the timing of the assessment of adult attachment is important for determining if this is a causal risk factor for IPV perpetration; it is not clear from the research whetheradult attachment stylesare formed prior to engaging in IPV perpetration, or whether the very nature of the relationships the...
(1997). Q-sort assessment of child-teacher attachment relationships and social competence in the preschool. Early Education and Development, 8(1), 27-39. doi:10.1207/s15566935eed0801_3.Mitchell-Copeland J, Denham SA, DeMulder EK. Q-sort assessment of child-teacher attachment relationships and ...
Within this were three other objectives: an exploration of the impact of attachment assessments on decision-making processes; an exploration of the experience of participants in this process; and an examination of perceived outcomes for children who have an assessment completed. In order to achieve ...
An examination of the PROMIS?pediatric instruments to assess mobility in children with cerebral palsy three proxy reports of child mobility (Pediatric Outcomes Data Collection Instrument, Functional Assessment Questionnaire, Shriners Hospitals for Children CP-CAT)... AL Kratz,MD Slavin,MJ Mulcahey,......
Again, the timing of the assessment of adult attachment is important for determining if this is a causal risk factor for IPV perpetration; it is not clear from the research whether adult attachment styles are formed prior to engaging in IPV perpetration, or whether the very nature of the ...
However, research results indicated a low validity of the infant-father strange situation assessment for predicting subsequent psychosocial development.19 Rather, father-child interactive quality during play or exploration, and sensitive challenges to the young child’s competencies se...
Short version of the Inventory of Parental Representations, a self-report for attachment assessment among adolescents Article Open access 01 April 2023 References Ainsworth, S. (1973). The development of infant-mother attachment. In B. Cardwell & H. Ricciuti (Eds.), Review of child development...
Mother-child attachment in later middle childhood: assessment approaches and associations with mood and emotion regulation. This study examined the overlap and validity of several measures of mother–child attachment developed for preadolescents. Validity was assessed in part by... Kathryn A. Kerns,Mic...
This study examined the antecedents of preschool age children's mental representations of attachment, assessed using the Attachment Story Completion Task (ASCT). Antecedent predictors were maternal attachment scripts, assessed using the Attachment Script Assessment (ASA), and the child's secure base beha...
Mothers brought their children to the hospital clinic for assessment of attachment using the Ainsworth Strange Situation.18 The Strange Situation is a laboratory procedure consisting of 8 episodes in which the mother and child interact with each other and with a stranger unknown to the infant, and...