P. Sausen 等 [18] 在车辆与电网互 动 (vehicle-to-grid,V2G) 环境下,建立了一种高速公路 电动汽车快充微电网存储容量优化方法,有效降低运 营成本的同时充分利用当地清洁能源发电. 充电站选址与定容协同优化.赵峰等 [19] 针对高速 公路并网光储充电站的选址和定容协同优化问题,兼 顾充电站利益及用户满意度...
Greenhouse gas emissions 2022 2021 2020 Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 & 2) (tons of carbon dioxide) 1,682,812.20 1,643,454.48 1,481,223.32 Greenhouse gas emissions per employee (Scope 1 & 2) (tons of carbon dioxide per person) 4.729 4.927 4.491 Direct emissions (Scope 1) (tons of...
greenhouse gas emissions and pollutant emissions were taken as an important part of customer and project selection, credit approval and post-loan management • Implemented environmental protection "One-vote Veto System" for customer access • Credit approval was differentiated according to the clients...
We take environmental and climate risks into account throughout the overall credit management process and make the situation of energy efficiency levels, greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions an important reference in client and project selection, credit granting approval and post-credit management. We ...
As stated in the China Construction Bank Transition Bond Framework (hereinafter referred to as "the Framework")1, we hereby provide Annual Report on CCB's Transition Bond, disclosing the allocation of the bond proceeds as well as the expected greenhouse gas emission reductions of the Eligible ...