The ATT00001 file belongs to the Data category and works with Microsoft Exchange Server, being used as a Microsoft Exchange Generic Attachment Data. Microsoft Exchange Server is a mail server and calendaring server developed by Microsoft. It runs exclusively on Windows Server operating systems. The...
它都发出带有内容的邮件,以脚本mysql_slowlog_monitor.sh来说, 平时会将慢查询分析报告放在邮件的正文发给DBA,慢查询分析报告的内容放在邮件中,出现问题的时候,邮件正文没有内容,它只有 一个附件ATT00001.binfunctionsend_slow_rpt(){$PT_QUERY_DIGEST--since=$HOURS$SLOW_LOG_FILE>$ANALYSIS_RPT_FILErpt_exist_...
function send_slow_rpt(){ $PT_QUERY_DIGEST --since=$HOURS $SLOW_LOG_FILE > $ANALYSIS_RPT_FILE rpt_exist_data=`cat $ANALYSIS_RPT_FILE | wc -l ` if [ $rpt_exist_data -gt 2 ]; then MAIL_SUBJECT="MySQL slow log report on the `hostname` ($SERVER_IP) at $SLOW_RPT_DATE" mailx...
att, att00002, att00003, file, at, unknown, att00007, png, att00004, sbi, mime-attachment, mms, jfif, online, jpg, txt, srs, oft, olm Un archivo att00001 Componentes del correo electrónico es un formato de archivo especial y solo debe editarse y guardarse con el software adecuado....
linux mail < file.log has Content-Type: application/octet-stream (a noname attachment in Gmail)的 展开查看全部 赞(0)分享回复(0)2023-11-17 ...
linux mail < file.log has Content-Type: application/octet-stream (a noname attachment in Gmail)的 展开查看全部 赞(0)分享回复(0)2023-11-17 ...
FILE=/tmp/mailtmp.txt echo "$3" >$FILE dos2unix -k $FILE//解决了发送的邮件内容变成附件的问题。 /bin/mail -s "$2" $1 < $FILE --- 在参考了网上众多大神的处理方法,最终形成了如上脚本,解决了问题。
Guías de Práctica Clínica en Diálisis PeritonealSociedad Española de Nefrología