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内容提示: Customer Service SummaryYI GE CAOMy ServiceWireless Number:Rate Plan:213-713-2092$9.99 FAMTALK NATION 700 ROLL UNL M2MUNL N&W$9.9924 months700UnlimitedUnlimited in US$26.00Using My PhonePhone Model:LG GS390To learn more about using your phone, go Plan...
11. Dial your 10-digit wireless phone number.2. When the greeting begins, PRESS 3. Enter your password and follow the prompts.* M I N #Send (*639#)* B A L #* D A T A #Check phone upgrade discount availability.* N E W #* P A Y Contact Us * LG GS390 YI GE CAO Access ...
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Activate over the phone Call us at 877-426-0525 for automated instructions. You will need to know your SIM/eSIM ICCID & IMEI number for activation. EID is not supported at this time. Note: Activation will take around 10 minutes to complete. The ICCID is located on the SIM card itself...
11. Dial your 10-digit wireless phone number.2. When the greeting begins, PRESS 3. Enter your password and follow the prompts.* M I N #Send (*639#)* B A L #* D A T A #Check phone upgrade discount availability.* N E W #* P A Y Contact Us * LG GS390 YI GE CAO Access ...
没看到哪里说你不是att的客户不能帮你解锁的,这个应该是自动回复的邮件吧 里面的东西就是att目前解锁的政策。全是废话,和我收到的邮件差不多 目前还没找到解决办法,看来还是要打电话过去试试啊
TermofService: $9.99 24months 700 UsingMyVoicemail SetUpMailbox/CheckMessages Anytime/DaytimeMinutes: PRESSandHOLD1todialyourvoicemailandfollow theprompts.Night/WeekendMinutes: MobiletoMobileMinutes: ActivationFee: Unlimited UnlimitedinUS CheckMessagesFromAnotherPhone ...
Service you deserve. All guaranteed, or we make it right. New and existing eligible customers are covered at noextra charge. Learn more Bringing your world together See what sets us—and our network—apart. Check 5G availability Check Fiber availability ...