The specific number depends on your device model and manufacturer. • You have to submit an unlock request for iPhones®, but you won't need an unlock code to complete the process. Plus, iPads® and Apple Watches® are already unlocked, so you don't have to submit an unlock ...
如果回复结果为:“Unlocked”或“unlock”,则代表解锁成功。 如果回复结果内包含“Active”或“issue”,可在服务页面搜索对应服务编号,然后提交IMEI申请解锁。 如果回复结果内包含“Past due”,可在服务页面搜索对应服务编号,然后提交IMEI申请解锁。 如果回复结果内包含:Unpaid、not paid、non ATT、Resubmit、commitment、...
Learn how to secure your device through locking as well as how to request your device be unlocked from the AT&T Network. INSTRUCTIONS & INFO To learn more about requesting a device unlock for your AT&T mobile device so that it can operate on another compatible wireless network, visitwww.att....
2) All contract obligations, including any early termination fee, associated with the device to be unlocked have been fully satisfied.3) A person who purchased the iPhone from an authorized location at the 'no commitment' price and can provide proof of purchase. I would encourage you to call...
没看到哪里说你不是att的客户不能帮你解锁的,这个应该是自动回复的邮件吧 里面的东西就是att目前解锁的政策。全是废话,和我收到的邮件差不多 目前还没找到解决办法,看来还是要打电话过去试试啊
Steps to Get AT&T Device Unlocked Yourself for Free If your AT&T device meets the unlock request, then you can follow instructions to get your AT&T device unlocked: 1.Gather Your Device Information You'll need the following details to submit your unlock request: IMEI Number: This unique number...
att版se翻车了..翻车啦,沃尔玛辗转转运回来的att se,初始ios11系统,att不给解锁Current status - DeniedWe can't unlock this device because
2) All contract obligations, including any early termination fee, associated with the device to be unlocked ha 分享20赞 卡贴机吧 方奕诚 求助苹果13promax美版ATT黑名单可以解吗?#卡贴# 分享4赞 iphone5c吧 🌈念旧是个瘾 美版有锁ATT的 有没有什么办法用联通3G卡。2G的真是龟速 快受不了了。 分享...