ATT能官解的种类和..ATT最好官解的就是白名单机器且分期付款已付清或预付费机器,几块钱就能解,也可以官网自己提交解锁!其次好解的是“Your device seems to be active on an AT&
Secure My Device Learn how to secure your device through locking as well as how to request your device be unlocked from the AT&T Network. To learn more about requesting a device unlock for your AT&T mobile device so that it can operate on another compatible wireless network,
Check the status of your request: Check the status at Or, use the link we sent you in a text or email to check the status. Good to know: • We can only unlock devices that are locked to the AT&T network. • You can submit a new request if you ...
In researching your concern, I have confirmed that your device is eligible for the unlock code. I have submitted the information request to the appropriate department. They will contact you to provide you with the unlock code for your phone. Keep in mind; you only have five (5) tries to ...
att查询已经解锁了,但是手机还是显示sim卡已锁 wubeyondji att查询已经解锁了,但是手机还是显示sim卡已锁,有人知道这个是什么情况吗 梦幻真爱1... 3-20 3 有没有高手啊 我官解显示的是ATT有另一个账户,需要注销什么的…. 钟小贱 官解显示的 ATT有另一个账户,要什么先注销什么的,谁知道什么意思啊…...
没看到哪里说你不是att的客户不能帮你解锁的,这个应该是自动回复的邮件吧 里面的东西就是att目前解锁的政策。全是废话,和我收到的邮件差不多 目前还没找到解决办法,看来还是要打电话过去试试啊
On request, AT&T will provide a qualifying customer the device unlock code "free of charge" under the following circumstances: 1) The person requesting the unlock code is a current AT&T customer or a former AT&T customer who can provide the phone number or account number for the account. 2)...
,楼主手头只有4G联通卡,经测试,接打电话基本无延时,发短信神马的也毫无压力,可以看做是解锁之后和国行一样使用~ 以下是邮件全文: Unlock request number: 20XXXXXXXX Thank you for contacting AT&T about unlocking your mobile device. Congratulations! Here are your unlock instructions: Your unlock code is: ...
The service on your mobile number hasn't been active for at least 60 days. Device IMEI number: Request number: Hi jack, Submit a new request when the service on your mobile number has been active more than 60 days. Did you know that it isn't always necessary to unlock a device if ...