GuestK00251 Thread Aug 6, 2018 att firmware nougat trek-2 Replies: 28 Forum: ZTE Trek 2 Guides, News, & Discussion D Thread AT&T Firmware On SM-N950F Hello there, I have an international Galaxy Note 8 that I am currently using on AT&T here in the States. I have only been able...
FWIW, this router is WAYYYYY better than the NVG. It’s 802.11AC so the wireless speeds are superfast. I have U-Verse GigaPower so I get around 900’ish Mbps up and down on wired connections and about 250Mbps up and down on devices that I can connect to the...
This router also does ‘guest’ wireless access as well. It basically has a ‘DMZ” network (172.x.x.x) that it sticks guests so that they can’t snoop your 192.x.x.x while they are on your wireless. So, I like that.Good luck!