permission for the file shadow • #chmod 600 /etc/shadow • #chown root:root /etc/shadow User/group owner and permission for the file gshadow • #chmod 600 /etc/gshadow • #chown root:root /etc/gshadow Firewall Debian 11 offers a firewall with various setting opt...
SIMATIC NET PC Software V15 Installation Manual, 12/2017, C79000-G8976-C233-12 55 Automated installation 8.2 Structure of the control file 8.2 Structure of the control file Description The control file has the name "Ra_Auto.ini" and has the following structure: [BUNDLEINFO] CreatedWith=...
PCS 7 - PC Configuration (V9.1) Installation Manual, 02/2021, A5E50303177-AA 65 Installing PC stations 5.3 Installing the operating system 5.3.2 Partitioning hard disks Partitioning the hard disks If you are not using a preconfigured PC from a PCS 7 product bundle, but instead a different ...