除非你对volte和不跳激活有刚需,但是联通本身3g也有高清通话和不断网,所以我对volte需求并不大 2.qpe下,不开漫游比开漫游的时候,网速能稍微高一点,延迟基本一致 3.tmsi下网速要快还是得卡ipcc,光是修改apn作用不大 4.3131100卡ipcc后关闭漫游延迟更低 5.3131200和3340900卡ipcc后开启漫游网速更快 以上均在同一位置...
I have only been able to get H+ (3G) and using the NextGenPhone APN will not connect. I was told by AT&T that I need their firmware running on my device in order for it to work. This is a... Deleted member 6669835 Thread Jul 12, 2018 at&t att note8 samsung Replies: 13 Forum...
New setting are immediately More settings can be done with the 3 buttons and the display menu in programming mode. To start the programming mode, the button „Set/ESC" has to be pressed for approx. 2 s. To avoid unauthorized manipulation, this button as well as the rotary sthweitcdheev...
“cellular settings”, while inserting T-Mobile based SIM cards did not exhibit this behavior. For those of you familiar with iOS, this of course means that the option to edit APN settings is no longer present. Without this, the user is unable to send or receive MMS, or even esta...
Functions General Information Diagnosis View process data Operational activities Install application Security settings Security Logging Role-based access SICAM WEB / SICAM Device Manager Device information, installed applications, running applications Status diagnosis, diagnosis logbook, IP security status D...
SICAM A8000 Series/ TOOLBOX II / Device Manager ADMINISTRATOR Security-Manual DC0-115-2.29, Edition 04.2023 59 Measures for System Hardening The corresponding parameter – HTTP-Webserver - can be found in the system technical parameter of the BSE under Network settings | H...