【YouTube】ETS2/ATS 1.50 - 用于图形改进和性能优化的新游戏引擎|ETS2/ATS 1.50 - New Game Engine for G 01:51 【YouTube】ETS2/ATS - 新的图形改进更新 | 建筑物的逼真内部结构|ETS2/ATS - NEW Graphics Improvement Up 01:19 【YouTube】电动斯堪尼亚、沃尔沃、达夫和雷诺即将加入 ETS2 和 ATS ...
Also, for those wishing to use the SmartAdvantage powertrain, I recommend using LoaderSaints’ mod for Eaton transmissions., do note that I recommend putting this mod above Loadersaints’ mod, as my Eaton Endurant transmission will overwrite his. Every engine file was imported in Wilson212 moddi...
Ats Engines And Transmissions Package v1.0 Mod Tested versions: 1.39 This MOD contains 6 engines, and 6 transmissions. Each transmission is specific to an engine; The original Scania StreamLine sound was used for all engines; Works on all original ATS engines, ETS and several mods (others will...
1 new real engine sound + 1 new horn sound for Audi 80 B3 in AI traffic. [ETS2 edition] DESCRIPTION –Pack provides improvements to common sounds in the game. It includes euphonious, relaxing and real sounds. –The goal of the mod is to make the game’s sounds feel like real life. ...
took out the classic engines ( will be a separate addon mod, to remove the clutter in the engine selection of the main truck) fixed some engine specs fixed some bugs added some new bugs ;P Peterbilt Modified version 2.0.9: –Converted all models to new format, ...
SuperOffice SureCloud – Europa SureCloud – Nordamerika Surfy Umfrageapp SurveyMonkey Umfragen von Udyomo SurveySparrow SwiftAssess SWOOP Analytics SyncLect GAI Bot SyncoBox SyncTimes Synergita OKR Synergita durchführen SysAid Tableau Cloud TagMyFav Talentsoft Tango Tippen Sie auf meinen Rücken Ta...
Then all you need to do is simply click on American Truck Simulator Modified Peterbilt 389 ATS V3.0 Edited by True Arts Modding Mod free download button and implement it to your game.
SuperOffice SureCloud – Europa SureCloud – Nordamerika Surfy Umfrageapp SurveyMonkey Umfragen von Udyomo SurveySparrow SushiBonus SwiftAssess SWOOP Analytics SylloTips SyncLect GAI Bot SyncoBox SyncTimes Synergita OKR Synergita durchführen SysAid Tableau Cloud TagMyFav Talentsoft Tango Tippen Sie ...
Then all you need to do is simply click on American Truck Simulator MCI J4500 + Interior v1.0 Bus (1.30.x) ATS Mod free download button and implement it to your game.
请查看我们的modding 维基以获取关于适配 mod 至新版本游戏的详细内容。 If you wish to participate in the open beta, you can find this version in the public_beta branch on Steam. The way to access it is as follows: Steam client → LIBRARY → right-click on American Truck Simulator → Proper...