If "ats-hbase" service is down the you might see the error. Because the failing alert will also run the same query and then will attempt to parse the JSON output so if the status is not returning fine they you should see the alert.Please check if your "ats-hbase" service ...
curl -k --negotiate -u: -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT http://hdp31-mgt1.dev.example.org:8088/app/v1/services/ats-hbase -d '{ "state": "STARTED"}' {"diagnostics":"Kerberos principal or keytab is missing."} Reply 3,218 Views 0 Kudos sweeks Expert Contributor Cr...
底层存储中的文件名称必须全局唯一,oss采用自定义算法生成文件名称,命名规范=时间戳+分隔符+线程ID+分隔符+进程ID+分隔符+客户端IP,URL规范图解如下: 为了保证oss服务器的安全,防止程序文件和目录外泄,oss对url进行了私有协议的加密,按分隔符“_”对每一项进行base64编码,再按62位字典码加密生成加后的url,当然也...
If "ats-hbase" service is down the you might see the error. Because the failing alert will also run the same query and then will attempt to parse the JSON output so if the status is not returning fine they you should see the alert.Please check if your "ats-hbase" service...