1. 什么是ASPP(Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling)? ASPP,即空洞空间金字塔池化,是一种用于提取多尺度特征的深度学习技术。它主要用于语义分割等计算机视觉任务中,通过不同膨胀率的空洞卷积来获取不同感受野的特征,进而增强模型的表达能力。 2. ASPP的工作原理 ASPP的工作原理基于空洞卷积(Atrous/Dilated Convolution),...
本文回顾了[1]中提出的Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling(ASPP),其中在特征图上面应用了四个并行的具有不同孔的比率的带孔卷积。ASPP的灵感来自于空间金字塔池化的成功,其展现了有效地对不同尺度的特征进行重新采样,准确有效地对任意尺度的区域进行分类。 与[1]不同的是,作者在ASPP中加入batch normalization。 具有...
基于深度卷积网络,空洞卷积和全连接CRFs的图像语义分割(Deeplabv2)学习总结 Abstract 本文主要强调了基于深度学习语义分割的三大贡献:1.atrous convolution(空洞卷积)能明确控制特征响应分辨率和在不增大参数运算量的情况下增大卷积感受野获得更多的上下文信息;2.atrous spatial pyramid pooling(空洞空间金字塔池化)探索了一种...
Dense Semantic Labeling with Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling and Decoder for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery(高分辨率语义分割) 对Potsdam and Vaihingen 公开数据集进行处理,得到了SOTA的结果,超越DeepLab_v3+,提出的网络结构如下:结合了ASPP和FCN,UNet --- 坚持每天学习一点点...
Astrous Convolution, Astrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling, Fully Connected Conditional Random Field 翻译的一篇英文博文,原文地址见文末 Atrous Convolution 原子卷积or空洞卷积? “Atrous”源自法语“à...不被用在DeepLabV3和DeepLabV3+中。 原文地址: Review: DeepLabv1 & DeepLabv2— Atrous Convolu...
In addition, coordinate attention and atrous spatial pyramid pooling are used to ensure accuracy and robustness. This method effectively reduces the network size and computational complexity and is a lightweight 6DoF pose estimation method based on monocular RGB images. Experiments on public datasets ...
We propose the “Waterfall Atrous Spatial Pyramid” module, shown in Figure 3. WASP is a novel architecture with Atrous Convolutions that is able to leverage both the larger Field-of-View of the Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling configuration and the reduced size of the cascade approach. ...
Figure 3. The improved U-net with atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP) integration: The ASPP module is inserted after the bottleneck of the Encoder-Decoder network. This means that the feature map generated by the encoder is processed by using ASPP, and then, the result is fed into the...