An atrial septal defect is a communication between the left and right atria. It is a common congenital heart anomaly. It can occur as an isolated defect or in conjunction with other complex congenital heart anomalies. This section will review the incidence, physiology, and anesthetic considerations...
She had no other major structural abnormalities except for a secundum-type atrial septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus. 除了心房中隔缺损及开放性动脉导管之外,小女孩并无其他重大心脏构造上的异常。 Surgical treatment with pericardial patch venoplasty of the left pulmonary veins and closure of the ...
septala. 隔膜的,氏族的 atriala. 门廊, 心房 【医】 房的, 前房的 defectn. 1.缺点,过失,瑕疵,缺陷,毛病 2. (尤指对完善或完备所必需的)欠缺,缺乏,不足(之处) 3.弱点,短处;污点 v.[I] 1.变节,叛变,脱离,背叛,投敌 bulbo atrial【医】 心球与心房的 ...
ASD 继发孔型房间隔缺损(artial septal defect, ASD)是最常见的心脏畸形之一,占所有心脏病的7%~10%。胚胎发育过程中,原始心房间隔在发生、吸收和融合过程中出现异常,使左右心房在出生后仍遗留有交通,称房间隔缺损。手术方法:体外循环下房间隔缺损修补,常规方法...
原发孔型房间隔缺损型(Atrial Septal Defect, Ostium Primum Type)基因检测阳性意味着个体携带与该疾病相关的基因突变。这种类型的房间隔缺损是一种心脏先天性疾病,通常会导致心脏左右两侧的血液混合,可能会引起心脏负荷过重和其他并发症。基因检测阳性结果可以帮助医生更好地了解疾病的发展和治疗方案,同时也有助于家族...
atretostomia,Atreus,atria,atrial,atrial fibrillation,atrial septal defect,atriate,atricha,atrichia,atrichic, 英汉-汉英词典 房隔缺损 近义、反义、联想词 词 n. septal defect 用户正在搜索 administrable,administrant,administrate,administration,administrative,administrative district,administrative division,administr...
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美 英 un.房中隔缺损 网络房间隔缺损;心房间隔缺损;房缺 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 房中隔缺损 例句
导致心房间隔缺损(Atrial Heart Septal Defect)发生的基因突变有哪些种类? 心房间隔缺损是一种常见的先天性心脏疾病,其发生可能与多种基因突变有关。一些已知的基因突变包括: 1. NKX2-5基因突变:NKX2-5基因编码一种关键的心脏发育转录因子,其突变已被证实与心房间隔缺损相关。
Atrial septal defect (ASD) is a hole in the atrial septum that allows blood flow to shunt between the left and right atria. These defects are generally characterized as secundum type (hole in the...doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-5319-1_7Constantine Mavroudis...