心房扑动 (atrial flutter, AF) 病因:阵发性者可见于无器质性心脏病者;持续性房扑可见于:1 . 风心病、 冠心病、 高心、 心肌病;2. 肺栓塞、 慢性心衰等致心房扩大者。3 甲亢、 酒精中毒、 心包炎等。
心房扑动(atrial flutter,AF)病因:阵发性者可见于无器质性心脏病者;持续性房扑可见于:风心病、冠心病、高心、心肌病;肺栓塞、慢性心衰等致心房扩大者。甲 心房扑动(atrial flutter,AF)病因:阵发性者可见于无器质性心脏病者;持续性房扑可见于:风心病、冠心病、高心、心肌病;肺栓塞、慢性心衰等致心房扩大者...
aF.缩写是心房扑动的意思,aF.全写atrial flutter。 aF.缩写可能还有其它意思,请根据自身行业、属性核对选择aF.正确的英文缩写及全写。 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:心房扑动 2.有道翻译:心房扑动获赞11次 声明:内容版权归作者所有,未经授权不得任意转载 本文标题和链接: aF.-心房扑动的英文缩写-单词atrial flut...
心律失常:心房扑动(atrial flutter) 心房扑动可以认为是在房性心动过速与心房颤动之间的中间型。当心房异位起搏点频率达到250~350次/分钟且呈规则时,引起心房快而协调的收缩称为心房扑动。患者可出现低血压、头晕、心悸、心绞痛,甚至心源性休克。 临床表现: 1...
Atrial fibrillation (AF) or flutter is a common type of cardiac arrhythmia that causes an abnormal heartbeat in which the heart rhythm is fast and irregular (Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter). From: Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine (Second Edition), 2016 ...
Abbreviations for Atrial Fibrillation: AFib, Afib, AF, afib Abbreviations for ventricular fibrillation: VFib, Vfib, VF, vfib Caution should be taken when using the short form “AF.” AF is also a short-form term for another similar heart arrhythmia – atrial flutter –that is closely related...
the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) diagnosis code 427.31 and Tenth Revision (ICD-10) diagnosis code I48.91 for AF and ICD-9 diagnosis code 427.32 and ICD-10 diagnosis code I48.92 for atrial flutter were ascertained...
英文缩写 aF. 英文缩写aF. 英文全称atrial flutter 中文解释心房扑动 aF.意思,aF.的意思,aF.是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于aF.的解释和缩写,心房扑动的英文缩写是什么 其它解释 af.(房颤)
although incidentatrial tachycardiaoratrial flutterrelated to both previously existing and newly created substrate also may be seen. The mechanisms for such arrhythmias may include focal tachycardias not identified at prior ablation, microreentrantatrial flutters, and macroreentry engaging larger areas of...
Natural progression of AF Need for rate control and possible cardioversion Stroke risk and long-term AC Signs and symptoms (e.g., palpitations , syncope ) to watch out for Related videos 4:44 ECG of Atrial Flutter and Fibrillation Management Variation in guidelines can be seen based on pra...