心律失常:心房扑动(atrial flutter) 心房扑动可以认为是在房性心动过速与心房颤动之间的中间型。当心房异位起搏点频率达到250~350次/分钟且呈规则时,引起心房快而协调的收缩称为心房扑动。患者可出现低血压、头晕、心悸、心绞痛,甚至心源性休克。 临床表现: 1...
There are two types of atrial flutter based on the atrial rate. These include: type I AFL, and type II AFL. Due to the rapid atrial rate during AFL, functional/physiologic AVB is the rule and may result in a regular or irregular ventricular rhythm. AVB can change from a low to a ...
概述 心房扑动(atrial flutter,简称房扑)指心房内异位节律点频率超过阵发性房性心动过速,属主动性异位心律。其节律规则、波形相似是界于阵发性心动过速与颤动之间的中间型。其异位节律点的激动频率为每分钟250-350次。 病因 房扑可发生于任何无器质性心脏病者,也可见于一些心脏病患者,病因包括风湿性心脏病、冠心...
Atrial flutter 释义 房性扑动 大小写变形:atrial flutter 实用场景例句 全部 Atrial fibrillation is much more common thanatrial flutter. 心房纤颤比心房扑动更为常见. 辞典例句 Carotid sinus pressure has little or no effect on the atrial rate inatrial flutter....
Atrial flutter,即心房扑动,是一种心脏节律异常,主要表现为右房内的大折返激动,通常以每分钟250-350次的频率跳动。以下是对atrial flutter的详细解析: 一、定义与发生机制 Atrial flutter,中文译为心房扑动,是心脏电生理活动的一种异常表现。其发生机制主要涉及右房内的大折返激动,即心...
On ECG, the hallmark pattern is “saw-toothed” flutter waves, which are best viewed in leads II, III, and V1. The atrial rate is on average approximately 300atrial bpm.3Since theAV nodecannot respond this quickly, there is anAV blockthat can present as a 2: 1, 3: 1, or 4: 1 ...
flutter v. 1.[I,T](使)飘动,挥动,颤动 2.[I,T](鸟或昆虫)拍(翅),振(翅),鼓(翼) 3.[I](鸟或昆虫)飞来飞去,翩翩飞舞 4.[I](心脏等)怦怦乱跳,年腾 n. 1 bulbo atrial 【医】 心球与心房的 intra atrial 【医】 心房内的 sino atrial 【医】 窦房的 sinu atrial 【医】 窦房的...
Atrial Flutter ECG Heart Rate: greater than 100 per minute. Rhythm: irregular Pacemaker Site: multiple ectopic atrial pacemaker sites. P-waves: absent, but replaced with multiple “F” waves . QRS complex. Normal. Atrial Flutter Signs and Symptoms ...
辞典例句 Carotid sinus pressure has little or no effect on theatrialrate inatrialflutter. 压迫颈动脉窦对心房扑动时的心房率几乎不起作用. 辞典例句 Objective : To investigate the relation between embolic event and leftatrialthrombosis. 目的: 探讨栓塞事件与左房血栓之间的关系. ...