For comparison the FTIR spectrum of the Sar-chelator by itself is also included. The conjugation of the sarcophagine cage to the ELP was indirectly confirmed by attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR). Figure S1 shows a comparison between the FT-IR absorbance spectra of...
1. 2 仪器参数和实验方法仪器参数: spectrum 400 Frontier 型傅立叶变换红外光谱仪, Perkin-Elmer; DTGS 检测器(扫描范围: 4000 ~ 400 cm -1 ,分辨率为 4 cm -1 , 累计扫描 16 次, 扫描时自动扣除 H 2 O 和CO 2 的干扰)。 ATR 附件: specac-ATR, 晶体为 ZnSe。 原始红外光谱由 Spectrum 10. 0...
Keywords:polyamide 6;polyamide 66;infrared spectrum;attenuated total refraction;quantitative analysis 引用本文:唐承浩,李齐添,冼业明,等.ATR-FTIR方法判断PA6/PA66共混物中两组分相对含量[J].工程塑料应用,2024,52(3):140-145. (...
Keywords:polyamide 6;polyamide 66;infrared spectrum;attenuated total refraction;quantitative analysis 引用本文:唐承浩,李齐添,冼业明,等.ATR-FTIR方法判断PA6/PA66共混物中两组分相对含量[J].工程塑料应用,2024,52(3):140-145. (...
the sole materials couldbe identified more quickly and easily through comparison and retrieval with software in theestablished standard spectral library.Keywords: ATR-FTIR; sole materials; spectrum analysis; compare retrieval收稿日期:2016-12-25;收到修改稿日期:2017-02-09基金项目:国家质检总局科技计划项目...
Fig.2ATR-FTIRspectrumsofacephatewithdifferentcon- centrations 从上至下分别是浓度为1.0μg·mL -1 、2.0μg·mL -1 、4.0μg· mL -1 、6.0μg·mL -1 和8.0μg·mL -1 的乙酰甲胺磷溶液 cm -1 和1038cm -1 处吸收峰的峰面积对浓度作标准 ...
SpectrumOne。 1.3 光谱的采集 扫描范围为4500~600cm -1 ,扫描次数设为 16次,分辨率为4cm -1 。 1.4 测试步骤 1.4.1 扫描背景谱图 由于傅里叶红外光谱仪是单光束仪器,故在采 集样品谱图之前通常需先采集背景。 将ZnSe晶体空置,在扫描窗口下的“Scan”对 话框中选择“Background”,扫描得到背景谱图。 —...
The time of analysis was substantially shortened and simplified (samples directly put on an ATR crystal and 30 s are needed for each spectrum acquisition) compared to the conventional biochemical methods for each component. The proposed models were generic or multi-species insofar as 29 species ...
An ATR-FTIR spectrum at 8 cm−1 resolution was collected with Impact 410 FTIR (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Madison, WI, USA) (Figure 8.2). The developed model had an R-value ranging from 0.87 to 0.94 and an error of 16–23 ppm. Ninety per cent of spinal cord-containing samples were ...
珀金埃尔默 FTIR Spectrum 3 MIR/NIR/FIR 傅立叶变换红外光谱仪 上海爱仪通网络科技有限公司 1年 查看详情 ¥15万 ~ 24万 红外光谱-Bohrium科研空间站 厂家直销 多场景 北京深势科技有限公司 查看详情 ¥8.89万/台 广东广州 赛默飞世尔ThermoScientific Nicolet iS5 FTIR 傅里叶红外光谱仪 在线交易 广东...