B Xtrender for MT4 指标 To download MT5 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "B-Xtrender" By "QuantTherapy". - It is an oscillator based on RSI and multiple layers of moving averages. - It is a two in one indicator to calculate overbought and ove...
添加图片,我已经标记了我正在寻找的东西和pine正在计算的东西。TradingView.onready(function () { ...
To download MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Trend Direction Force Index - TDFI [wm]" By "causecelebre". - The screenshot shows similar results from tradingview and Metatrader when tested on ICMarkets on both platforms. - This indicator uses ...
If you clone ATR indicator in TradingView, edit its sourcecode and replace the line plot(ma_function(ta.tr(true), length), title = "ATR", color=color.new(#B71C1C, 0)) with plot(ma_function(ta.tr(false), length), title = "ATR", color=color.new(#B71C1C, 0)) Then the Trad...
TRADINGVIEW ATR INDICATOR IN METATRADER 4 : cheers //+---+//| Tradingview ATR.mq4 |//| Copyright 2023, Filip Valkovic |//+---+#propertycopyright"Copyright 2023, Filip Valkovic"#propertyversion"1.00"#propertyindicator_separate_window#propertyindicator_buffers2#propertyindicator_plots1#propertyindic...