App ATR-72-500涡桨支线客机飞行测试 | 降落厦门高崎机场 Xplane11录制 6.1万 17 02:55 App 民航客机与直升机相撞,什么原因? 5.9万 540 08:16 App 机长眼神有点不行,问题不大吧! 747 0 00:45 App AeroFly 波音747-400 启德大转弯,丝滑落地弹跳 ...
149 0 02:03 App Xplane11模拟飞行 | F-4鬼怪与ATR-72-500在航母上着舰测试 138 0 04:34 App 杭州萧山国际机场06 ILS+手动接地 | 787-9加拿大航空 Xplane11模拟飞行 458 0 08:12 App 北韩平壤顺安机场-南韩首尔金浦机场飞行 | 波音747-400 Xplane11 天气大雾阴天,手动进近 452 0 08:11 App ...
No, X-Plane 12 all the way! ...there's a new Microsoft Flight Simulator? I'm staying with Prepar3D. I'm staying with Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition. Votes 34528 Social Follow us on Social Networks Must-Reads Microsoft Flight Simulator System Requirements: A Complete Guide ...
Togo's Liza Aviation adds first ATR72sSupport Print Page -, © Tis Meyer / By Hilka Birns 08Feb2023 Email LinkedIn X Facebook RSS Feed This article is only available to Commercial Aviation Operator News, Operator & Airport Data subscribers....
As previously reported, the near-12-year-old plane is the first of four ex-Jet Airways ATR72-500s the Guatemalan carrier is leasing from Willis Lease Finance, the others being msn 919, 920, and 932. Collectively, they are part of a USD17 million investment to help drive the airline's...
您的购物车是空的。 密码 Facebook Instagram X YouTube TikTok Discord Bluesky FLIGHT SIM PAINTER 立即评价 In this pack are 6 liveries. Liveries are made with new Paint Kit. for theFlight 1 They are as follow: ASL Airlines Ireland _EI-SLV ...
FLYBYWIRE A380X 自动驾驶仪 适用于SD XL MSFSFLIGHT PANELS MFS20 16.00 € 13.60 $ £ ¥ -15% 30 天最低价: € 16.00 AEROLENS PRO ENHANCED ATR 42/72-600 MSFSFLIGHT PANELS MFS20 MFS24 18.00 € 15.30 $ £ ¥ -15% 30 天最低价: € 18.00 ...
【参考译文】1985年12月3日,首架生产型飞机ATR 42-300交付给了法国首发客户利托尔拉尔航空公司,并于12月23日在贝济耶-卡庞特拉机场和巴黎奥利机场之间进行了首次盈利服务。[4][5]1986年1月,ATR对ATR 42的成功以及市场对更大版本飞机的需求充满信心,宣布启动开发这种飞机的项目,并将其命名为ATR 72,以反映其增加...
Includes 1x Metal Aircraft Model, 1x Model Holder, and 1x Box Features: |Hanging Model Airplanes From Ceiling|747 Boeing|Goods Airplane Design| **Exquisite Craftsmanship and Realism** The Scale 1:400 Metal Plane Model is a testament to precision engineering and attention to detail. Crafted fro...
The kit allows the aircraft to be operated as a passenger plane during the day and as a cargo plane during the night. Each optimised container has a 2.8m³ volume and can carry freight up to a total weight of 500kg. ATR 42 can carry up to nine ATR containers. ...