The -600 list price of $26.8M is typically discounted by 25% for a $20.1M value, a 2012 aircraft is valued $13.3M and leased $115,000, falling to $10.2M and $100,000 in 2021, a D check costs $0.5M and the engine overhaul costs $0.3-1.0M.[42] 【参考译文】截至2018年9月,已...
The article reports that Azul Linhas A茅reas Brasileiras SA has ordered for 10 ATR 72-600 aircrafts, from ATR Aeronautics, worth 227 million dollars in list price, and will take its first delivery in October, 2011. It states that under a new agreement, Azul will have 30 ATR 72-600s ...
The article informs that Nordic Aviation Capital A/S has placed an order of 13 42-600 aircrafts from ATR Aircraft, at the 2012 Farnborough International Show, in Hampshire, England. It is given that the order is worth 26.25 million dollars at list price. It is also mentioned that Nordic ha...
Price:★☆☆☆ Slots / Pitch:5 | 7 1" Sealed (Dry Air): ≤ 600W The 6U SIXHEX-1 chassis is suitable for high wattage sealed applications that demand superior cooling capability. SIXHEX-1 - Chassis Global Thermal Resistance (CGTR) coefficient: ΔT/W = 0.063°C (½ ATR) | 0.056°...
Economic Assumptions for Operating Costs 2005 Economic Conditions, European Environment ■ Stage length: 300 Nm ■ Fuel price: 0.9$/US gal ■ Aircraft prices: As manufacturer list price ■ Spares: 10% aircraft price ■ Depreciation: 12 years with 20% residual value ■ Interest: 85% investment ...
The article informs that Lao Airlines has signed a contract for the purchase of two 72-600 jet planes from Aerei da Trasport Regionale, at the Farnborough International Airshow 2012. It is given that the deal is of 47 million dollars at list price. It is also mentioned that with these ...