【参考译文】ATR 42是由法国与意大利合资制造商ATR生产的支线客机,其最终组装在法国图卢兹进行。1981年11月4日,ATR(法国宇航公司(现为空客的一部分)和意大利航空(现为莱昂纳多公司)的合资企业)推出了这款飞机。ATR 42-300于1984年8月16日进行了首飞,并于1985年9月获得了型号合格证。首发客户利托尔拉尔航空公司于...
北京八达岭机场 ATR-72-500短距起降! Xplane11录制模拟飞行赫奇帕奇大学生 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 3.8万 0 05:53App 认识起重机、客机 4.0万 15 01:08 App 买到真飞机了?! 7270 2 00:55 App 为什么飞机很少有自动舱门?看完涨知识了 6.2万 480 08:42 App 客机迫降的成功率...
北韩平壤顺安机场-南韩首尔金浦机场飞行 | 波音747-400 Xplane11 天气大雾阴天,手动进近 452 0 08:11 App E-175短距起降尼泊尔法普鲁 (PPL)机场 | 极限空中开反推降落重着陆减速!Xplane11模拟飞行 4.1万 10 02:42 App 波音747降落时发生“硬着陆”,弹跳后复飞! 747 0 00:45 App AeroFly 波音747-400 启...
and shorthaul virtual airline with bases in London City, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Düsseldorf and Milan Linate offering over 1200 daily flights on700 routes across Europe, using ATR 42, Dash 8 Q400 and Airbus A320 aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulators (FSX, P3D & MFS) and X-Plane (XP11)....
@ByArchi use the blueprint feature and put the picture way up above the plane and take a screenshot of the picture It's hard, but try not to pan the camera, because the picture will disappear 4.4 years ago 5,997 JakeS Hey amazing job You win the JaEk GoeldeN mEDall for OctObeR...
Each wing mainplane also carries an embedded engine nacelle under it. These have been Pratt & Whitney Canada turboprop engines for the life of the aircraft - providing the necessary power and range for regional operations. In its completed form, the prototype "ATR 42-200" went airborne for ...
Flight Panels is the key to unlocking the full potential of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020/2024 and the Asobo ATR 42/72-600. This comprehensive profile is one of our most popular and features 295 fully interactive buttons across 13 pages. Both 15 and 32 Key profiles are included to support...
FLYBYWIRE A380X 自动驾驶仪 适用于SD XL MSFSFLIGHT PANELS MFS20 € 16.00 $ £ ¥ AEROLENS PRO ENHANCED ATR 42/72-600 MSFSFLIGHT PANELS MFS20 MFS24 € 18.00 $ £ ¥ 安装我们的桌面应用程序 直接在应用程序中安装 如何成为供应商 ...
ATR42-300, © Tis Meyer (PlanePics.org) By Dominik Sipinski 03Nov2022 Email LinkedIn X Facebook Copy news link RSS Feed This article is only available with a subscription for Commercial Aviation News, Operator & Airport Data.Subscribe now to get full access to our exclusive News....
The fleet includes two ATR42-600s and eight ATR72-600s. All but one of the ATR72-600s are owned, with F-HGNU (msn 1288) wet-leased from Regourd Aviation (Paris Le Bourget). A ninth ATR72-600 is due to arrive in May. That plane was ordered in 2019 for delivery in 2020 but ...