1、FTIR其实就是IR,只不过信号经过博里叶变换而已,一般来说指的是投射光谱所能透光(IR beam)的能力主要取决于材料的是否吸收红外光,简单的说是材料的透明度如何,比如KBr几乎是100%透过的,所以即使几毫米的厚度都可以,而大部分深色物质就很难透过,需要制备的很薄。 2、ATR(Attenuated total reflectance)...
Xp的平均真实波动范围(ATR)(14日)基准 名称代码平均真实波动范围(ATR)(14日) Xp Inc NASDAQGS:XP - Financials SECTOR:FIN.KY 0.03 摩根士丹利 NYSE:MS - Bgc Group Inc NASDAQGS:BGC - Tradeweb Markets Inc NASDAQGS:TW - TP ICAP Group PLC OTCPK:TCAP.F - Compagnie Financière Tradition SA OTCPK...
For alignment, DAC1 and DAC2 are connected to the varicaps of the preselection filters. For alignment, offset and gain are set to have the best tuner tracking. Figure 4-4. Principal Operation for Alignment Bit 34 PDO (FM) DAC1,2 Gain +/- Vref (AM) (3V) Offset The DAC mode can ...
For alignment, DAC1 and DAC2 are connected to the varicaps of the preselection filters. For alignment, offset and gain are set to have the best tuner tracking. Figure 4-4. Principal Operation for Alignment Bit 34 PDO (FM) DAC1,2 Gain +/- Vref (AM) (3V) Offset The DAC mode can ...
the suspension was filtered using 0.22 μm syringe filter (Fischer Scientific, 09-730-19). The filtrates were analyzed for total Sb concentration using ICP-OES (iCAP 7400, Thermo Electron, West Palm Beach, FL, USA). The loss of Sb (V) was detected by the difference between the initial ...