Atp Synthase - the Machine That Makes Atp. Current Biology 1994; 4: 1138-1141.Pedersen PL (1994): ATP Synthase: The machine that makes ATP. Current Biol 4, 1138-1141ATP Synthase: The machine that makes ATP. Peter L. Pedersen. Current Biology . 1994...
ATP合酶(ATP synthase) ATP或称F0F1 复合物(F0F1 complexes), 该酶在分离状态下具有ATP水解酶的活性,在结合状态下具有ATP合酶的活性, 属F型ATPase。除了线粒体中有ATP合酶外,植物叶绿体的类囊体和好氧细菌都有ATP合酶的同源物,ATP合酶的分子组成和主要特点是: 头部:头部即F1, 细菌和线粒体ATP合酶的F1都...
ATP转化成ADP 和Pi放出能量,供生物体利用,而且这样形成一个循环,使ATP的生成和利用保存动态平衡。
#分子生物学#【ATP合酶的作用 ATP synthase in action】ATP合酶,又称FoF₁-ATP酶在细胞内催化能源物质ATP的合成。在呼吸或光合作用过程中通过电子传递链释放的能量先转换为跨膜质子(H+)梯差,之后质子流顺质子梯差通过ATP合酶可以使ADP+Pi合成ATP。
1. Explain how ATP synthase makes the ATP molecules? 2. What happens to glycolysis when there is not enough oxygen present in the cell? How will the cell keep producing energy? Is this an effective process, yes or no, and if it not why will it not?
ATP synthase, also known as F1F0 ATPase or complex V, is the 5th subunit of the oxidative phosphorylation complex.
Describe how ATP synthase produces ATP via chemiosmosis. What is the net ATP yield for bacteria? How do cells use the ATP cycle? a. Cells use the cycle primarily to generate heat. b. Cells use the cycle to generate or consume water molecules as needed. c. Cells use the cycle to recycl...
读音:美英 atp synthase基本解释 atp合成酶;ATP合酶;合酶;三磷酸腺苷合酶;三磷酸腺苷合成酶 分词解释 ATPAdenosine Triphosphate 三磷酸腺甙 synthase合酶 atp synthase是什么意思 atp synthase怎么读 atp synthase在线翻译 atp synthase中文意思 atp synthase的解释 atp synthase的发音 atp synthase意思是什么 atp synth...