Related Slang Categories Online Chat Text Messaging 2.What does ATP stand for? 20 +2 Answer the phone When you need someone to answer their phone, message them "ATP." Most people send ATP when they have tried calling once and the recipient did not answer, which can be incredibly frustratin...
Definition & Meaning of "MMATP" What doesmmatpmean? View the definition ofmmatpand all related slang terms containingmmatpbelow: mmatp : meet me at the park Usage of MMATP MMATP is an abbreviation commonly used in texting that stands for "meet me at the park." This phrase is often ...
Slang, Chat & Pop culture (1) Sort results:alphabetical| rank? Rank Abbr.Meaning SATPSan Andreas Traffic Police (gaming, Grand Theft Auto) showing onlySlang/Internet Slangdefinitions (show all 16 definitions) Note: We have 44 other definitions forSATPin our Acronym Attic ...
Slang, Chat & Pop culture (1) Sort results:alphabetical| rank? Rank Abbr.Meaning ATPBAsphalt-Treated Permeable Base (construction) ATPBAs the Palaces Burn (Lamb of God album) Note: We have 2 other definitions forATPBin our Acronym Attic ...
Slang, Chat & Pop culture (0) Sort results: alphabetical | rank ? Rank Abbr.Meaning ATPD Automotive Tank Purchase Description ATPD Anderson Township Park District (est. 1970; Cincinnati, OH) ATPD Ambient Temperature & Pressure Dry ATPD Army Technical Purchase Description (US DoD) ATPD...