细胞呼吸(cell respiration)是指有机物在细胞内经过一系列的氧化分解,生成无机物或小分子有机物,释放出能量并生成ATP的过程。下列有关细胞呼吸的叙述,错误的是( ) A. 无氧呼吸过程可能存在水的生成与消耗 B. 有氧呼吸释放出的能量少部分被生命活动利用 C. 有氧呼吸过程消耗氧,有机物氧化分解并放能 D. 无氧...
细胞呼吸(cell respiration)是指有机物在细胞内经过一系列的氧化分解,生成无机物或小分子有机物,释放出能量并生成ATP的过程。下列有关细胞呼吸的叙述,错误的是( ) A. 无氧呼吸过程可能存在水的生成与消耗 B. 有氧呼吸释放出的能量少部分被生命活动利用 C. 有氧呼吸过程消耗氧,有机物氧化分解并放能 D. 无氧...
Why does a cell perform fermentation if it does not produce any ATP energy for the cell? Why does aerobic respiration occur in the mitochondria, yet anaerobic respiration occurs in the cytoplasm of a cell? How many ATP molecules (net yield) are produced per molecule of ...
a Most enzymes of respiration and ATP synthesis reside in the cell membrane since procaryotes lack mitochondria. Enzyme structures located in the cell membrane also help synthesize structural macromolecules to be incorporated into the cell envelope and appendages. 因为procaryotes缺乏线粒体,呼吸作用和...
Mounting evidence suggests that cancer cells engage in a unique metabolic program that allows for rapid cell proliferation. Nonproliferating cells can use glycolysis products to generate ATP for their energy needs. Such cells generally have low rates of glycolysis followed by oxidation of pyruvate in ...
A considerable increase in the rate of oxygen consumption is known to occur during the development of embryos (cf. Needham, 1931; Tuft, 1953; Brachet, 1960; Gustafson, 1965). However, the mechanism of the increase in respiration during embryonic development is still unclear. A certain ...
(ATP) synthesis and cellular respiration rates, as well as cell growth rates in glucose and galactose media, were assessed in transformed lymphocytes from POAG patients (n = 15) and a group of age- and sex-matched controls (n = 15).POAG lymphoblasts had significantly lower rates of complex...
known as oxidative phosphorylation. In both cellular respiration and photosynthesis, it occurs in ...
Effects of pulmonary gas embolism on circulation and respiration in the dog - I. Effects on circulation Mongrel dogs weighing 15-25 kg and anesthetized with thiopental-gamma-hydroxybutyric acid were used to investigate the effects of pulmonary gas embolism on... FTJ Verstappen,JA Bernards,F Kreuzer...
Cellular Respiration The process by which the mitochondria take in oxygen to break down glucose (food) to produce energy (ATP), CO 2, and water. Importance: –The cell uses the energy to build, repair, and reproduce cells. –Cellular respiration provides energy to the cell so it can carry...