0001 Atopic dermatitis特应性皮炎Weidinger S,Novak N./Lancet.2015 Sep 11.doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00149-X.[Epub ahead of print]Review.PMID:263771420002 Pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis特应性皮炎的发病机制Peng W,Novak N.Clin Exp Allergy./2015 Mar;45(3):566574.doi:10.1111/cea.12495.Review...
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease with a complex pathophysiology that underlies a wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes. AD remains challenging to treat owing to the limited response to available therapies. However, recent advances in understanding of disease mechanisms...
June2001 Robin Graham-Brown, Reviewer Author Affiliations Arch Dermatol.2001;137(6):833. doi: FullText Every now and again someone publishes a "bedrock book." By this I mean that a body of research in a specific area reaches a critical mass, and "the system" recognizes this by producing...
This update of a living systematic review and network meta-analysis compares the efficacy and safety of systemic treatments for atopic dermatitis,
OCULARCOMPLICATIONSINATOPICDERMATITIS46pdf ·54·JournalofShanghaiSecondMedicalUniversity2008Vo1.20No.oCULARCoMPLICATIoNSINAToPICDERMATITISSHENXi(沈玺),xuGe—zhi(徐格致),JIAOQin(焦秦),LIXia(李霞)。,SHIRuo—fei(施若菲)。J.DepartmentofOphthalmology,RuifinHospital,SchoolofMedicine,ShanghaiJiaotongUniversity,Shang...
clinical practice The new england journal of medicine n engl j med 352;22 .nejm june 2, 2005 2314 This J..
45, No. 11Diagnostic Standard for Atopic DermatitisJMAJ 45(11): 460–465, 2002Joji TADADirector, Division of Dermatology, Okayama Municipal HospitalAbstract: For a dermatologist, the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis (AD) is relativelyeasy. In view of the fact that the increase and exacerbation of...
Xue-Jun Zhang, Zhi-Rong Yao and colleagues report a genome-wide association study for atopic dermatitis in the Chinese Han population. They identified two new susceptibility loci at 5q22 and 20q13. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, relapsing form of inflam
1. Definition/disease concept, pathophysiology/etiology of atopic dermatitis 2. Epidemiology of atopic dermatitis 3. Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis 4. Clinical symptoms of atopic dermatitis 5. Investigation of causes and exacerbating factors for atopic dermatitis and countermeasures 6. Summary of the basi...
This living systematic review and network meta-analysis examines the association of systemic treatments for atopic dermatitis with scores on the Eczema