Atonement of Christ The Atonement of Christ is the sacrificial work of Jesus for sinners. In his death on the cross, Christ atoned for the sins of humanity such that God is satisfied and reconciliation is accomplished for all who will be redeemed. The obedience and death of Christ on behalf...
His suffering and death to pay the penalty of human sin was an act of extreme humility, of complete submission to His Father's will, of perfect love for us. True Christians in like manner must become humble to rule with Christ. No ruler in God's Kingdom can be arrogant or selfish (M...
Synonyms of atonement 1 : reparation for an offense or injury : satisfaction a story of sin and atonement He wanted to find a way to make atonement for his sins. 2 : the reconciliation of God and humankind through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ 3 Christian Science : the ...
the doctrine concerning the reconciliation of God and humankind, especially as accomplished through the life, suffering, and death of Christ. Christian Science. the experience of humankind's unity with God exemplified by Jesus Christ. Archaic. reconciliation; agreement....
The meaning of LIMITED ATONEMENT is a theological doctrine that the reconciliation effected between God and man by the sufferings of Jesus Christ was efficacious for some but not all men.
1510s, "condition of being at one (with others)," a sense now obsolete, from atone + -ment. The theological meaning "reconciliation" (of man with God through the life, passion, and death of Christ) is from 1520s; that of "satisfaction or reparation for wrong or injury, propitiation of...
Original Meaning. Just as by old Teutonic custom the owner of a man or beast that had been killed was to be pacified by the covering up of the corpse with grain or gold ("Wergeld") by the offender (Grimm, "Deutsche Rechts-Alterthümer," p. 740), so Abimelech gives to Abraham a ...
Christ took the shame that He might magnify His Father, and now His Father delights to magnify Him by blotting out the sin.From Forgiveness Made Easy I’ve lost track of the number of times someone has told me, “I’ve messed up for so long—I’ve done such atrocious things—there ...
Christ's atonement is said to be by substitution, for he suffered in our stead, and he bears our sin; and it is by satisfaction, for the broken law is vindicated, all the purposes of punishment are answered with honor to the Lawgiver, and eventual holiness to the Christian. Its result...
of the communicatio operationum and then display its relationship to God's impassibility in a retrieval of several moves in traditional Reformed theology proper and Christology, in particular the distinction between essence and person in God, the meaning of the enhypostasis of Christ's humanity ...