It is believed that atoms combine with each other such that the outermost shell acquires a stable configuration of 8 electrons. If stability were attained with 6 electrons rather than 8. What would be the formula of the stable fluoride ion. AF− BF+ CF2+ DF3+Submit If stability were att...
Atoms cannot be created or destroyed. Atoms of different elements may combine with each other in a fixed, simple, whole number ratios to form compound atoms. Atoms of same element can combine in more than one ratio to form two or more compounds. How do atoms behave? Electrons are attracted...
Elements combine with each other to make new substances called compounds. In a chemical reaction new substances are formed. hydrogen The substances which combine in a reaction are the reactants. The new substances produced in a reaction are the products. ...
on all atoms gathers in together strength.This does the best you can the sun to combine to form a whole, this does the best you can Earth's atom to gather in together, this does the best you can we to attract on the Earth.If does not have the attraction, we as well as other ...
•Chemicalcompoundsareformedwhenatomsofdifferentelementscombinewitheachother.Agivencompoundalwayshasthesamerelativenumbersandtypesofatoms.•Chemicalchangesinvolvereorganizationoftheatoms,todifferentratios.Dalton’sAtomicTheory WhichofthefollowingstatementsregardingDalton’satomictheoryarestillbelievedtobetrue?•Elements...
Physicists in New Zealand have used optical tweezers to combine three atoms, with two of the atoms forming a molecule in the presence of the third. They were able to measure the rate at which this “three-body recombination” occurs and found it to be much lower than had been expected. ...
Atoms tend to combine with other atoms by losing or gaining electrons to form molecules that makeup compounds. Answer and Explanation: Molecules of nitrogen gas and oxygen gas are said to be diatomic, which means they consist of pairs of atoms. The st...
Why do atoms react with other atoms? How are atomic number and protons related? How does an atom differ from an element? How are atoms arranged in molecular compounds? How do elements combine to form compounds? How are chemical elements formed? Are all atoms of an element identical? What ...
Atoms combine in a ratio of small whole numbers to form compounds. The matter is anything and everything in our surrounding. It has basic structural and fundamental units. Let us examine the concept of matter with an example. Taking a storybook into consideration and dividing its structure. The...
(e.g.,ifcarbonatoms(碳原子)combinewithoxygen atoms(氧原子)toformcarbonmonoxidemolecules (一氧化碳分子)),thetotalweightofthenewsubstance isthesumoftheoriginelements. Therearemorethanl00knownelements.Eachis givenanatomicnumber(原子序数)intheperiodic tableoftheelements(元素周期表)–examplesare hydrogen(H)...