备注 使用memory_order_seq_cstmemory_order,atomic_fetch_xor 函数执行 read-modify-write 操作。Valueexclusive or 按位替换 Atom 中存储的值和在 Atom存储的当前值。 要求 基本标头: **命名空间:**std 请参见 参考 <atomic> 原子结构 atomic_fetch_xor_explicit功能中文...
本文简要介绍rust语言中 core::sync::atomic::AtomicI32.fetch_xor 的用法。用法pub fn fetch_xor(&self, val: i32, order: Ordering) -> i32 按位“xor” 与当前值。 对当前值和参数 val 执行按位 “xor” 运算,并将新值设置为结果。 返回前一个值。 fetch_xor 采用 Ordering 参数,该参数说明了此...
std::atomic_fetch_xor template (integral) (1) template <class T> T atomic_fetch_xor (volatile atomic<T>* obj, T val) noexcept; template <class T> T atomic_fetch_xor (atomic<T>* obj, T val) noexcept; overloads (2) T atomic_fetch_xor (volatile A* obj, T val) noexcept; T at...
T atomic_fetch_xor_explicit( volatile std::atomic<T>* obj, typename std::atomic<T>::value_type arg, std::memory_order order) noexcept;原子地以 obj 的旧值和 arg 的逐位异或结果替换 obj 所指向的值。返回 obj 先前保有的值。 如同执行下列内容一般进行运算: 1...
T fetch_xor( T arg, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst ) volatile noexcept; 原子地以值和 arg 逐位异或的结果替换当前值。运算是读修改写操作。按照 order 的值影响内存。 若std::atomic<T>::is_always_lock_free 为 false 则 volatile 限定版本被弃用。 (C++20 起) 参数 arg...
std::atomic<T>::fetch_or std::atomic<T>::fetch_xor std::atomic<T>::operator++,++(int),--,--(int) std::atomic<T>::operator+=,-=,&=,|=,^= std::atomic_store, std::atomic_store_explicit std::atomic_load, std::atomic_load_explicit std::atomic_exchange, std::atomic_exchange_...
C atomic_fetch_xor( volatile A* obj, M arg ); (1) (since C11) C atomic_fetch_xor_explicit( volatile A* obj, M arg, memory_order order ); (2) (since C11) Atomically replaces the value pointed by obj with the result of bitwise XOR between the old value of obj and arg, and...
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template <class T> T atomic_fetch_xor_explicit (volatile atomic<T>* obj, T val, memory_order sync) noexcept; template <class T> T atomic_fetch_xor_explicit (atomic<T>* obj, T val, memory_order sync) noexcept; overloads (2) T atomic_fetch_xor_explicit (volatile A* obj, T val...