F. Soddy, "The Atomic Weight of 'Thorium' Lead," Nature, 1916-17, 98, 469. It is quite probable that Hitchins did most of the actual benchwork as Soddy had a heavy teaching load and he embroiled himself in uni- versity politics. See: K. R. Page, "Frederick Soddy: The Aberdeen ...
Need for the Redetermination of the Atomic Weights, of Uranium, Thorium, and RadiumIT is known that the atomic weights of such radio-elements as have been determined experimentally agree approximately with those to be expected on radioactive theory, and also that small unexplained discrepancies ...
thorium Th 90 232.0377 protactinium Pa 91 231.03588 uranium U 92 238.02891 neptunium Np 93 (237) plutonium Pu 94 (244) americium Am 95 (243) curium Cm 96 (247) berkelium Bk 97 (247) californium Cf 98 (251) einsteinium Es 99 (252) fermium Fm 100 (257) mendelevium...
The Commission has changed the recommended value for the standard atomic weight of thorium to 232.0377(4) from 232.038 06(2) based on an evaluation of the effect of variation in isotopic abundances in normal materials upon the atomic weight of thorium [50–52]. The revised standard atomic weig...
thoriuma Th 90 232.0377 0.0004 g 232.04 0.01 protactiniuma Pa 91 231.035 88 0.000 01 231.04 0.01 uraniuma U 92 238.028 91 0.000 03 g m 238.03 0.01 neptuniuma Np 93 plutoniuma Pu 94 americiuma Am 95 curiuma Cm 96 berkeliuma Bk 97 californiuma Cf 98 einsteiniuma Es 99 fer...
thoriumTh90232.0377 protactiniumPa91231.03588 uraniumU92238.02891 neptuniumNp93(237) plutoniumPu94(244) americiumAm95(243) curiumCm96(247) berkeliumBk97(247) californiumCf98(251) einsteiniumEs99(252) fermiumFm100(257) mendeleviumMd101(258)
atomic weight atomic mass noun Synonyms for atomic mass noun(chemistry) the mass of an atom of a chemical element expressed in atomic mass units Synonyms atomic weight relative atomic mass Related Words mass combining weight eq equivalent weight ...
the atomic weight. See also a copy of the periodic table with atomic weights to five significant figures. See also below the list in Name order . List of Elements in Atomic Number Order. At No SymbolName Atomic Wt Notes 1 H Hydrogen 1.00794(7) 1, 2, 3 2 He Helium 4.002602(2) 1,...
In 1906, however, Boltwood 1 discovered ionium, which proved to be chemically inseparable from thorium, whereas the radioactive properties and the atomic weights of both substances were different. Within a short time many more examples of such a behaviour became known, and in 1910 Soddy 2 ...
ofthe2007tableisavailablefromtheabstract WorldWideWebversionofatomicweightdataoriginallypreparedbyG. P.Moss,fromafileprovidedbyD.R.Lide. Previousvaluesmaybeconsultedfromthe1993table,the1995table,the 1997table,the1999table,the2001tableorthe2005table. Theoriginalpapershouldbeconsultedfordetailsofthehalflifeof the...