Yamanouchi, KaoruRoither, StefanXie, XinhuaR. Kienberger, E. Goulielmakis, M. Uiberacker, A. Baltuska, V. Yakovlev, F. Bammer, A. Scrinzi, Th. Westerwalbesloh, U. Kleineberg, U. Heinzmann, M. Drescher, and F. Krausz. Atomic transient recorder. Nature, 427:817, 2003....
Kienberger R,Goulielm akis E,Uiberacker M ,et a1.Single sub--fs soft--X--ray pulses:Generation and measurement with the atomic transi-- ent recorder.J M od Opt,2005,52:261--275Single sub-fs soft-X-ray pulses: generation and measurement with the atomic transient recorder. Kienberger ...
By precisely controlling the hyperfast electric field oscillations in a short laser pulse we developed a measuring apparatus – the Atomic Transient Recorder - like an ultrafast stopwatch. This apparatus is capable of measuring the duration of atomic processes and electron dynamics with an accuracy of...
A new attosecond streak camera based on a three-meter-long magnetic-bottle time-of-flight electron spectrometer (MBES) is developed. The temporal resolution of the photoelectron detection system is measured to be better than 250 ps, which is sufficient t
By precisely controlling the hyperfast electric field oscillations in a short laser pulse we developed a measuring apparatus 鈥 the Atomic Transient Recorder - like an ultrafast stopwatch. This apparatus is capable of measuring the duration of atomic processes and electron dynamics with an accuracy ...
The resonance absorption signals were captured, digitized and stored in a transient recorder operating in the A/B mode and transferred directly to a microcomputer for kinetic analysis. The following absolute second-order rate constants for the reaction of Cs(6 2 S 12 ) are reported with the ...
Decay profiles in the presence of helium and also with CH 3 Cl and CH 3 F were captured in a transient recorder and transferred directly to a microcomputer or to an XY-recorded for subsequent kinetic analysis. The present method is principally feasible on account of the development here of ...
The photoelectric signals were amplified without distortion, captured, and digitized in a transient recorder interfaced to a microcomputer for data analysis. Absolute second-order rate constants were measured at various temperatures in each case, yielding the following Arrhenius parameters ( k RX = A ...
A transient absorption signal is recorded on a strip chart recorder. The 3蟽 detection limit is 0.7ng cmselenium and the calibration is linear up to 30ng cmwith 1cmsample solution. The relative standard deviation (n=10) is 3.0% for 25ng cmselenium. The sample throughput is 30h. Results ...
The high repetition rate (6 kHz) of the copper vapor laser makes it very attractive for use with the transient signal generated by the graphite furnace. However, the copper vapor laser gave mixed results due to inefficient frequency-doubling and also because of losses associated with using a ...