Scientific Reports volume 6, Article number: 21723 (2016) Cite this article 3328 Accesses Metrics details Abstract Large bandgap is desired for the fundamental research as well as applications of topological insulators. Based on first-principles calculations, here we predict a new family of two-...
Iron garnets also attract a large amount of attention because of the high figure of merit of MO properties. Much effort has been given towards enhancing MO properties by designing specific element compositions in different cation sites for the garnet structure8,9,10. Among these specific ...
29,30 There are an enormous number of uses of the BL: fight against tax fraud by detecting manipulation as anomalies, stock exchange data, corporate disbursements, analysis of sales figures, demographics and scientific data, etc.31,32 Hence, the application of the BL crosses a huge range of ...
When Dmitri Mendeleev drew up the periodic table, he grouped elements of similar properties. Based on the number of electrons, a scientist can determine which group to place an element into.This pattern is called a period(or row) on the periodic table. How do I read the periodic table? Th...
‘What would the properties of materials be if we could really arrange the atoms the way we want them?’. These questions inspired the development of nanotechnology. Drexler introduced the fundamental principles of molecular engineering and outlined development paths to advanced nanotechnologies in his ...
contracts: Contains the Depositor contract in Solidity designed for depositing native currency using a 256-bit number h and locktime, locking funds with two withdrawal conditions: Spender knows some k that h = Poseidon(k)- money goes to the message sender locktime has passed - money goes to...
(110) crystal plane of TiO2, respectively (Fig.2g–i). In addition, the presence of irregular lattice stripes indicates a large number of structural defects in the MXene/TiO2hybrids. Meanwhile, the introduction of TiO2nanoclusters promotes the formation of interfaces, including interfaces between ...
We expect that this work will not only expand our fundamental understanding of this important class of materials but also provide the foundation for tailoring M/HEA properties through engineering lattice distortion and local chemical order.This is a preview of subscription content, access via your ...
(HO) potential. We take a sufficiently large number of such eigenstates so that a good accuracy is achieved: the HO shells up to the 6th (5ℏω) or 7th shell (6ℏω) for Be and C isotopes, respectively, withℏωbeing the HO quantum. We note that the present simulation employs...
--iters ITERATIONS : sets the number of algorithmic iterations per PE. Total iterations = (PEs x ITERATIONS) --stride STRIDE : sets the stride (in elements) for the target algorithm. Not all algorithms require the stride to be specified. If this value is not required, the algorithm will ...