This number was chosen when the SI second was redefined for the last time in 1967 to match with the previous definition. If we look at the history of timekeeping and compare clocks as different as sun dials, pendulum clocks, and quartz clocks, it is obvious that they get more accurate as...
I Twentieth-Century History The foundations of both modern nuclear physics and modern atomic physics were established by Ernest (Lord) Rutherford through a series of celebrated experiments first published in 1911. He used alpha particles from naturally radioactive emitters as projectiles to bombard a ...
Through numerical simulations using the non-polynomial Schödinger equation—an effective one-dimensional Gross–Pitaevskii equation—we investigate the effect of atom number, scattering length, and BEC momentum width on the resonant transmission peaks. For [Math Processing Error]85Rb atomic sources ...
“In the long history of humankind, those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively...
Based on the history of manufacturing development, Fang formally proposed three phases of manufacturing advances [6, 7]:Manufacturing I: Craft-based manufacturing by hand, as in the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages, in which manufacturing precision is at the millimeter scale.Manufacturing II: ...
Here we review briefly the history of atomic simulations in catalysis and then focus on the recent trend shifting toward ML potential calculations. The advanced methods developed by our group are outlined to illustrate how complex structures and reaction networks can be resolved using the ML ...
Progress in science is usually associated with highly concentrated efforts on the part of a critical number of investigators to solve a specific problem, which is widely regarded as being of great importance. Such a "breakthrough" is usually followed by rapid development of the field. In this ...
However the occurrence of NBO centres is affected by the processing history of the glass surface31 and is unknown for our uncharacterised cell. In the following, we use the Rb pressure increase measured in Fig. 3 to quantify the corresponding increase in MOT atom number. Therefore from now ...
D. Meier Nature Communications13, Article number:4783(2022)Cite this article 5327Accesses 6Citations 102Altmetric Metrics This article has beenupdated Abstract The physical properties of semiconductors are controlled by chemical doping. In oxide semiconductors, small variations in the density of dopant ...