numbern.[C] 1.数;数字 2.号码;…号;第…号 3.电话号码 4.【英】车牌号码,登记号码 5.一首流行乐曲 6.[singular]数目;数量 7.[plural](尤指参加某一活 1num. one 一 atomic bearinga. 携原子弹的 tetra atomic四原子的 atomic tippeda. 装原子弹头的 ...
内容提示: 原子序原子序( (Atomic number)Atomic number)及質量數及質量數( ( Mass number) Mass number) 原子內的中子的數目質子的數目電子的數目故稱為原子序(atomic number)相等於原子不帶電荷相等於的總和質量數(mass number)不一定相等 ...
原子序(Atomic number)及质量数(Mass number),原子序(Atomic number)及质量数(Mass number)原子,质量,数,mass,质量数,原子序,Mass,Numb,与质量数,化学质量数,..
下图是英文版元素周期表,回答下列问题(1) 根据你已经学过的科学知识,说说英语单词:Atomic number的意思 。(2) K是 (选填“金属“非金属””)元素。9号和17号最外层电子数相同,都容易 (选填“失去”“得到”)电子。(3) 钠元素和氟元素组成的物质是 ,其相对分子质量为 。
Answer to: What element has the atomic number 1? By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. You can...
Let's assume the flux is 1E14 neutron/cm2/sec, the cross section for fast fission of Pu-239 is about 2 barns (2E-24 cm2), the energy release per fission is 204 MeV, and the Pu-239 number density is 4.939E22 atoms/cm3. Then the power is P = flux * number density * cross ...
atomic number 1 生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 词组搭配 英语百科 中文百科 英语维基词典 英语例句库 用户正在搜索 codeposition,coder,coder-decoder,codes,codeset,codesign,codesignal,codeslstandards,code-switching,codeterminant, 相似单词 3G,401(K),a, ...
Atomic Number: 1 Hydrogen is the first element in theperiodic table, meaning it has anatomic numberof 1 or 1 proton in each hydrogen atom. The name of the element comes from the Greek wordshydrofor "water" andgenesfor "forming," since hydrogen bonds with oxygen to form water (H2O). Rob...
A map of the average atomic number of lunar rock and soil can be used to differentiate lithology and soil type on the lunar surface. This paper establishes a linear relationship between the average atomic number of lunar rock or soil and the flux of posi