The warcraft masses 190,000 metric tons and requires 9 × 1026 joules of energy to perform the maneuver. When it arrives in orbit around the sole inhabited planet of the enemy star system, it hammers the civilization into submission by destroying all major population centers. This is ...
The great unwashed masses are not going to have their tax money going to fund silly satellites sending back boring scientific data. They want to see spacemen! Stephen Hawking put it this way: "Robotic missions are much cheaper and may provide more scientific information, but they don't catch...
koppar是将“atomic number 29"翻译成 瑞典文。 译文示例:Copper is a chemical element with the symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29. ↔ Koppar (latinskt namn, Cuprum) är ett rödaktigt, halvädelt metalliskt grundämne, tillhörande myntmetallerna. ...
for a percentage of your stack, I think that makes a lot of sense. But if we really want Bitcoin to be utilized for the masses, we have to have use cases for it. And in addition to that, I think there’s an opportunity, right? There’s an opportunity, eventually we expect for Bi...
computation of the nuclear interaction energy that is related to the mass defect, that is to the difference between the measured mass and the sum of the Z hydrogen 1H (or protons p plus electron e) masses and N neutron n masses that compose the nucleus of mass number A = Z + N and ...
“But it masses more than Jupiter…” The monstrous thing crawled past the surface of its wizened mother, raising a blood-red tide. “So what? A black hole?” I shook my head. “The densities are wrong. This is a different ball game, sWyman. That stuff’s quagma.” The largest ...
This theory made possible qualitative predictions of the behavior of masses of men under certain conditions. Thus the early emperors knew what factors to vary in order to control their provinces. They could tell whether a certain measure might, say, precipitate a revolt, or just what phrasing ...
Work was at an end and the masses were utterly beyond control. The devoted were butchered by their frantic fellows; the hopeless were stung to madness; the stolid were driven to frenzy by the realization that there was to be no future; the remaining sly ones deftly turned the unorganized fu...
Such payload requirements could be estimated to range in the thousands of tons; this in turn would require an essentially unlimited energy source—a requirement that suggests nuclear energy—to place these large masses in orbit and provide maneuverability to them for their military operations, both ...
A launch laser or mass driver powerful enough to boost huge masses into orbit can smash a combat starship like a sledge-hammer hitting a cockaroach. If there is a planetary disaster, spaceports will suddenly be thrust into the role of operational center. After all, it will be the source ...