这款铷原子钟,atomic clock是全球基于超冷铷原子技术的商业化冷原子钟,它是欧洲15年来的科研结晶,符合LNE-SYRTE全球时间标准。这款铷原子钟基于激光操纵冷原子技术,操作原理基于微波问诊大原子云技术,制冷到数个uk的温度,这样原子介质表现出的稳定性,不受外界环境影响。
型号 FPMUQ-MuClock 这款铷原子钟,atomic clock是全球基于超冷铷原子技术的商业化冷原子钟,它是欧洲15年来的科研结晶,符合LNE-SYRTE全球时间标准。这款铷原子钟基于激光操纵冷原子技术,操作原理基于微波问诊大原子云技术,制冷到数个uk的温度,这样原子介质表现出的稳定性,不受外界环境影响。 这款铷原子钟长时间具...
Near the surface of Earth, clock comparisons at the 1 × 10−18 level provide a resolution of one centimetre along the direction of gravity, so the performance of these clocks should enable geodesy beyond the state-of-the-art level. These optical clocks could further be used to ...
[2] The first accurate atomic clock, a caesium standard based on a certain transition of the caesium-133 atom, was built by Louis Essen in 1955 at the National Physical Laboratory in the UK.[3] Calibration of the caesium standard atomic clock was carried out by the use of the ...
Related to atomic clock:Doomsday Clock Category filter: AcronymDefinition ACAdult Contemporary(radio format) ACArea Code ACAlternating Current(electricity; physics) ACAuthor's Correction ACAnte Cibum(Latin: Before Meals) ACAir Conditioning/Conditioner ...
NIST’s scientists study multiple atomic clocks, including the F1 cesium clock, which has an error rate of one second in a million years.Applications Of Next-Generation Time KeepingDue to their high accuracy and precision, atomic clocks have become useful for several industries. “...
III-V Epi Ltd of Glasgow, Scotland, UK says that it will consolidate its position as an essential part of the commercial quantum technologies supply chain following its involvement with the project SHARK-VECSELs (Supply cHAin for stRontium clocK Vertical External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers). ...
(nuclear weapon)原子弹n atomic clock n (highly accurate electronic clock) (一种精度非常高的钟)原子钟Atomic clocks are the most accurate type of clock. atomic energy, nuclear energy n (nuclear energy as a power source) (核聚变产生的能量)原子能Atomic energy is non-renewable but it does not...
General or Review, Theoretical or Mathematical, Experimental/ general relativity/ atomic clocksclock paradoxrelativity theory/ A0420 General relativityNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1038/238244a0W.B.Nature Publishing Group UKNatureW. B. 1972, 'News and Views: Atomic Clocks Coming and ...
Using laser beam technology, the researchers claimed an advance in the efficiency of a crucial element of an atomic clock, the lancet. That is, the component responsible for counting, analogous to the pendulum in a mechanical clock. According to Alessia Pasquazi, a lead investigator in the univ...