HIROSHIMA, Japan, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) -- Hiroshima, the city that suffered U.S. atomic bombing in 1945 during World War II, commemorated the 72nd anniversary of the tragedy on Sunday at the city's Peace Memorial Park, with its mayor calling for peace and a world free of nuclear weapons. ...
Bombing two major cities may seem wrong but it was necessary in order to come out as a successful nation. During World War 2 on August 6th and 9th of 1945 the United States was the first country to use an atomic device against an enemy. This enemy was the country of Japan. After the...
Hiroshima commemorates 72nd anniversary of atomic bombing with a gathering at the city's Peace Memorial Park. (Xinhua/Ma Ping) HIROSHIMA, Japan, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) -- Hiroshima, the city that sufferedU.S. atomic bombing in 1945 during World WarII, commemorated the 72nd anniversary of the tra...
Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki, Japan-August 9, 1945 August 10, 1945: Japanese Emperor Hirohito decides that Japan must accept the Potsdam Declaration and surrender. August 14-15, 1945: Attempted coup in Japan with the intention of continuing the war.The coup attempt took place the night before Ja...
On August 10, 1945, General Groves reported that the next bomb could be dropped on Japan in as little as one week.That same day, Truman told a cabinet meeting that he had ordered the atomic bombing stopped. The thought of wiping out another 100,000 people was “too horrible,” he said...
Hiroshima Day is observed on August 6 annually to remember the victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings in 1945. Here are some GK questions and answers on the bombing to learn its history.
atomic bombing ---the―LiveliestCity‖inJapan TeachingPoints I.BackgroundinformationII.IntroductiontothepassageIII.TextanalysisIV.RhetoricaldevicesV.Questionsfordiscussion I.Pre-readingdiscussionsandbackgroundinformation 1.WhyisthecityofHiroshimasospecialinthehistoryofmankind?(Itwas...
The results of the atomic bombing核爆炸 ---ByJune&Elina Theintroductionabouttheatomicbombing OnAugust6,1945,theUnitedStatesusedamassive,atomicweaponagainstHiroshima,Japan.Thisatomicbomb,theequivalentof20,000tonsofTNT(trinitrotoluene三硝基甲苯;一种强力炸药),flattenedthecity,killingtensofthousandsofcivilians.At...
OSLO, Norway (AP) — A 92-year-old Japanese man who lived through the American atomic bombing of Nagasaki described on Tuesday the agony he witnessed in 1945, including the charred corpses of his loved ones and the ruins of his city, as he accepted this
It was on 9 August 1945, the day of the bombing on Nagasaki and 3days after the bombing on Hiroshima that Dr. Nishina, the most prominent Japanese physicist at the time, arrived at Hiroshima for the purpose of identifying the true character of the new bomb that had just destroyed ...