A union data type enables an element or attribute value to be one or more instances of a type drawn from the union or combination of multiple atomic and list types. Union types have a memberTypes attribute value that is a list of all the types in the union. Union types can have ...
When the atomic type is atomic_address, Value has type ptrdiff_t and the operation treats the stored pointer as a char *.This operation is also overloaded for integral types:C++ Copy integral atomic_fetch_add_explicit( volatile atomic-integral* Atom, integral Value, memory_order Order) ...
Adding Title and Paragraph Text Adding an Image Adding a Comment Adding a Container Adding Interactions Developing Animations Defining Gesture Events Defining Page Routes Developing a Simple Application Common Component Development Guidelines Container Components <list> Development Developme...
Clarke; "When Earthman and Alien Meet"; Playboy 15 (January, 1968):118-121, 126, 210-212. 455. Konrad Lorenz (*Ethologist & writer, the 'father of modern ethology’ & Nobelist); On Aggression; (Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., N. Y.; 1966). Translated from the original Austrian,...
These functions enable the bitwise AND of bits to the value stored in target to occur in an atomic manner.
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(SwapTest, T, AtomicSwapTypes) {Atomic<T> value =102; Tconstold = value.Swap(T(123)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(old, T(102)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(value, T(123)); } 开发者ID:ancapdev,项目名称:crunch.concurrency,代码行数:7,代码来源:atomic_tests.cpp ...
These functions enable the bitwise AND of bits to the value stored in target to occur in an atomic manner.
... followed by an explicit list. Similarly However undefined behavior there isn't "anything goes" but that the exact values you read / write to memory aren't completely defined (but they can't be leftover data from someone else). ...
atom_types: np.ndarray, request_defs: list[OutputVariableDef],+"""Evaluate the model with given inputs.++Parameters+---+coords : np.ndarray+Atomic coordinates+cells : Optional[np.ndarray]+Periodic boundary conditions+atom_types : np.ndarray+Atom type indices+request_defs : list[OutputVariable...