QUALIFICATIONOFATOMICABSORPTIONSPECTROPHOTOMETERS QualificationofanAAspectrophotometercanbedividedintothreeelements:installationqualification(IQ),operational qualification(OQ), and performance qualification (PQ); see also the general information chapter Analytical Instrument Qualifica- ...
PURPOSE:To reduce the magnitude of the background absorption generated at an atomizing stage, by converting an inorg. salt to a compound subliming/ evaporating at lower ashing temp. or converting a low m.p. element to thermally stable oxide. CONSTITUTION:The specimen placed in a cuvete 5 ...
First developedtheatomic absorption spectrophotometer,acomplex instrument used in chemical analysis to determine low concentration of metals studyinaustralia.gov.au studyinaustralia.gov.au 首先發展原子的吸收分光光度計,是在化學的分析中,被用來決定金屬濃度的一種複雜的儀器。
An atomic absorption spectrophotometer is disclosed in which, in order to detect the temperature of a graphite cuvette (18) correctly on the basis of the radiation emitted from the inner wall of the graphite cuvette, the above radiation and the measuring light emitted from a hollow cathode lamp...
The High Flux Reactor (HFR) - International Atomic …:高通量反应堆(HFR)-国际原子… 热度: 原子吸收光谱仪 Introducing the new SensAA Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer 热度: 1 The Atomic Plague [1945] On 6 August 1945, as I shuffled along in the ‘chow line’ for lunch with ...
CONSTITUTION:An atomic absorption spectrophotometer comprises a drive mechanism 32 which moves a burner unit of an atomizing unit back and forth and up and down with respect to an optical axis of measuring light, a driving control unit 34 for controlling the driving of the drive mechanism 32, ...
atomic absorption spectrophotometer 读音:美英 atomic absorption spectrophotometer基本解释 原子吸收分光光度计;原子吸收光谱仪 分词解释 atomic原子的 absorption吸收 spectrophotometer[光]分光光度计
AA-1800 atomic absorption spectrophotometer is now widely used in scientific research,quality control, disease control, environmental protection, metallurgy, agriculture,chemical industry .Hardware and software design of innovation to ensure the accuracy,safety, ease of use in the analysis of samples, equ...
ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROPHOTOMETER 优质文献 相似文献Furnace-type atomic absorption spectrophotometer A furnace-type atomic absorption spectrophotometer heats a sample by controlling a heating current passed to the tube inside which the sample is held. The temperature of the tube is monitored and the heati...
United States Patent US8107072 Note: If you have problems viewing the PDF, please make sure you have the latest version ofAdobe Acrobat. Back to full text