An ordinary, neutral atom has an equal number of protons (in the nucleus) and electrons (surrounding the nucleus). Thus the positive and negative charges are balanced. Some atoms, however, lose or gain electrons in chemical reactions or in collisions with other particles. Ordinary atoms that ...
It grows with hydrogen atom incidence energy and exhibits an energy-loss onset equal to the Ge surface bandgap. This leads us to conclude that hydrogen atom collisions at the surface of a semiconductor are capable of promoting electrons from the valence to the conduction band with high efficiency...
For the latter, a focal image series is recorded of the specimen using the TEM broad-beam mode, which in turn offers the largest signal with the fewest scattered electrons. The exit wave of a thin object in zone-axis orientation is modeled by the channeling theory20,21, which describes ...
Hookean atomCoulombic repulsionhomogeneous linear third-order differential equationelectron repulsionelectron interactionA homogeneous linear third-order differential equation is constructed which is satisfied by the exact ground-state electron density in the Hookean atom with two electrons interacting via their ...
A closer insight into classical models for the He atom with two-active electronsAtomic and Molecular CollisionsIn this work, two classical models which have been proposed to describe He atoms in collision processes by charged particle impact are revisited and analyzed. These are the Heisenberg-core...
ASimpleDemonstrationofPhotoelectricEmission(3) Iftheelectroscopeismadepositivetostartwith,then the leaf will not fall because no loss of charge takes place. The free electrons in the zinc plate need much more energy to leave the zinc plate because it is charged positively and the radiation cannot ...
Population of this orbital manifold in accordance with Hund's rules could potentially yield thermally persistent high-spin ground states under which the valence electrons remain coupled. We now demonstrate this effect with a reduced hexanuclear iron cluster that achieves an S = 19/2 ((M)T 53 cm...
Compound 1+(ClO4-) reacts with excess pzH via four sequential reduction steps that transfer a total of five electrons and four protons to 1+. This reaction forms the doubly dehydrated manganese cluster Mn4O2(O2PPh2)6 (2) and two water molecules derived from the corner oxygen atoms. The ...
Section3. The Atom Chip Stern-Gerlach Beam Splitter: detailing relevant aspects of the atom chip and its basic operating characteristics as a platform for SGI; Section4. Half-Loop Stern-Gerlach Interferometer: first realization of SGI with spatial fringe patterns; ...
3c). An electrostatic potential map also revealed the charge distributions and located the red areas of higher electron densities around the nitrogen atoms, characterizing the nitrogen sites as chemically distinct areas with an abundance of electrons (Fig. 3d). Optical properties The effects of ...