Breadcrumbs atom-tools / pnpm-lock.yaml Latest commit LinHanlove build: export types Dec 8, 2024 f07466e·Dec 8, 2024 History History
{ "@microsoft/api-extractor-model": "7.28.13", "@microsoft/tsdoc": "0.14.2", "@microsoft/tsdoc-config": "~0.16.1", "@rushstack/node-core-library": "4.0.2", "@rushstack/rig-package": "0.5.2", "@rushstack/terminal": "0.10.0", "@rushstack/ts-command-line": "4.19.1", ...
距離最近的站點是Phuket Bus Terminal 2,離普吉島Atom酒店22109.2公尺。 哪座機場離普吉島Atom酒店最近? 離普吉島Atom酒店最近的機場是普吉國際機場,距離2.0 km公里。 普吉島Atom酒店有提供早餐嗎? 用早餐開啟美好的一天,普吉島Atom酒店提供歐陸式早餐供您選擇。
To reveal the role of these surface holes in oxygen- ation reactions, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to investigate the reaction kinetics of MPS oxidation on tbαRhi-eaeFgsefai2artOdttel3ldeo(sSwcsuaopppfapotcltheietmenatnpeicanreeltssaoerafnynscFdueirgrofa.ef2caMec3h)...
The KRAS(G12C)–AMG 510 structure also contains an additional glycine (G0) residue at its N-terminal. In KRAS(G12C)–AMG 510 structure, atomic displacement parameter, also known as B-factor that indicates the atomic fluctuations in the crystal18, displays the highest values in switch-II ...
Typically, all Plks contain an N-terminal catalytic kinase domain which is responsible for enzyme activation and ATP-binding and a C-terminal region that consists of one or two polo box domains (PBDs) involved in phosphopeptide binding. Plk1, the best characterized member of the Plk family [5...
ofa kyny se enide 在上述条件下 二硒醚中硒原子全消耗 生成唯一的产物炔硒醚 . 炔烃中含有羟基对反应没有影 响 而羧酸酯基和酰氧基被水解 . 炔负离子亲核进攻二硒醚中硒原子形成炔硒 醚 同时产生亲核的硒负离子 . 氧的参与将使 Ar C 氧化为原料二芳硒基二硒醚 [1Z] 从而使 二硒醚中的硒原子可...
Namely, an electron-rich Br atom selectively positioned in the mid- dle or terminal position of a phospholipid hydrocarbon chain efficiently acts as a collisional quencher for a fluorescence group close to the Br atom. These brominated fatty acids of phospholipids are readily prepared by substituting...
1492-JSD4TERMINALBLOCK Stauff 217,2-AL-IS VSE002 96.452.2000.0RST20I5KSBS 15P 20GL 445L-103000-0164GuardShield Safe4 Pair 14-1560mm D-SL (sehr leicht) ca. 15 N 04.81.8107 25.741.3453.18185 / 4 TOP H SW 2CCS862017R0605S802U-Z60226,001991829C12253 NSYPLM64TVCass.pol. 645x435x25...