Atoms and molecules whose valence electrons can absorb several photons fall in the multiphoton ionization regime class when the Keldysh parameter γ ≫ 1 (γ = (Ip/2Up)1/2, where Up is the laser field’s ponderomotive potential and Ip is the ionization potential). Those systems ...
Top Questions What is an atom? Are all atoms the same size? What does the mass of an atom consist of? atomsHow atoms can be seen.(more) See all videos for this article atom, the basic building block of allmatterandchemistry. Atoms cancombinewith other atoms to formmoleculesbut cannot ...
9 Chloride Ion Stabilizes cellular environments. Chloride ions help maintain the osmotic balance in cells. 9 Common Curiosities How do chlorine atoms affect the environment? They can contribute to ozone layer damage when part of certain molecules like CFCs. 14 Why does a chlorine atom become a ch...
Motivated by the recent experiment on bosonic mixtures of atoms and molecules, we investigate pairing superfluid–insulator (SI) transition for bosonic mixtures of atoms and molecules in a one-dimensional optical lattice, which is described by an extended Bose–Hubbard model with atom–molecule conserv...
Upon calcination in oxygen, the surface complex transforms into a surface nickel-oxo species, where Ni is bonded to two lattice oxygen atoms of TiO2 and four oxygen atoms from adsorbed water molecules with a Ni-O distance of 2.01 Å, where all nickel atoms are present in the form of (...
The framework presented here is based on the assumption that there is a 1–1 correspondence between molecules and their graph-theoretic representation, i.e., their structural formula. This is an approximation, albeit an extremely useful one. Mesomerism and tautomerism, however, introduce further amb...
For the hybrid system of single-atom noble metal modified 2D MoS2, the noble metal doping can enhance the adsorption capacity of 2D MoS2 for gas molecules and metal ions [81]. The introduced noble metals can not only function as active centers for facilitating water adsorption and dissociation ...
When the CR molecules were mainly placed on the outer surface of silver crystallites, as it happens in the 2-day and 4-day catalyst synthesis times, they did not prevent the sintering of the particles and served as a barrier to chemisorption of reagent molecules on the active centers of ...