[162] Penalty for - ATO Prfailure to keep or retain records actice Statement.(Australian Taxation Office )(Brief Article)Hayes, Terry
《环境污染治理设施运营资质许可管理办法》规定,持证单位应当在( ),向本单位所在地省级环境保护部门提交上一年度《环境污染治理设施运营情况年度报告表》。负责运营的项目不在本单位所在省的持证单位,应同时将该项目的《环境污染治理设施运营情况年度报告表》抄报项目所在地省级环境保护部门。
Their goal was to help people rebuild their homes. With the help of military veterans and volunteers, the group rebuilt more than 400 houses over the next five years. Despite their successes, however, Rosenburg...
I’ve participated and facilitated many Coding Dojo sessions since 2007 and people have been asking me this question many times that I decided to answer it in this post: How can I start a Coding Dojo and how to keep it engaging? First of all, I would highly recommend the book “The Co...
#RichardBoyle is facing 161 years in prison for #exposing #unethical practices within the #ATO. Despite the validity of his claims, as confirmed by several independent reviews, Boyle stands accused over actions he took to expose the truth for the public's interest. He has endured a long and...