High-pressure systems usually lead to fair, calm weather. If a barometre shows low barometric pressure tendency and shows air pressure tendency increase, it suggests that a high-pressure system is taking over and fair weather conditions are expected....
根据第一段“Small changes in atmospheric pressure can start a landslide in certain weather conditions. Understanding why will help us assess which slopes(斜坡) are at most risk of failing.(在某些天气条件下,大气压力的微小变化可能引发滑坡。了解其中的原因将有助于我们评估哪些斜坡最容易坍塌)”以及第...
How Weather Works Prev NEXT By: Robert Lamb Under (Atmospheric) PressureWhen you raise an outstretched palm to the sky, you're effectively supporting the column of air that extends from your hand to the very edge of space. Your body constantly bears this weight in the form of atmospheric ...
Define atmospheric condition. atmospheric condition synonyms, atmospheric condition pronunciation, atmospheric condition translation, English dictionary definition of atmospheric condition. Noun 1. atmospheric condition - the atmospheric conditions that
Barometric pressure is a tool in which meteorologists use to predict weather changes and patterns. If the barometric pressure is low, then it is indicative of stormy conditions. If the barometric pressure is normal to high, then it indicates clear sky and stagnant air. What is Atmospheric Press...
The usual conditions are a) 105°C at atmospheric pressure or b) 80°C under vacuum equivalent to 24 inches of mercury. lubrizol.com 通常所用条件是:a)105℃标准大气 压; 或者 b)80℃真空条件下(24 英寸水银柱)。 cn.lubrizol.com Use the result to pre-set the valve while back pressure...
*Describe the horizontal and vertical circulation of air within cyclones and anticyclones. Describe the typical weather conditions associated with each. High Pressure Center= AnticycloneLow Pressure Centers= Cyclones Air descends in anticyclones and rises in cyclones. Cyclones produce stormy weather. (Col...
Azores high, large persistent atmospheric high-pressure centre that develops over the subtropical region of the eastern North Atlantic Ocean during the winter and spring seasons in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a subtropical high-pressure cell that moves westward during the summer and fall, when it...
So how does atmospheric pressure relate to daily weather patterns? No doubt you’ve seen weather forecasts presented on television; the on-camera weathercaster making reference to high pressure and low pressure systems. What is that all about? Basically, in a nutshell, every day the heat of th...
The atmosphere that blankets the Earth gently presses down on us, and the subtle variations in thisatmospheric pressuregreatly affect the weather. For example, forecasters often talk of low pressure bringing rain. In areas of low air pressure, the air is less dense and relatively warm, which ...