The Ice Giants represent a unique and relatively poorly characterized class of planets that have been largely unexplored since the brief Voyager 2 flyby in the late 1980s. Uranus is particularly enigmatic, due to its extreme axial tilt, offset magnetic field, apparent low heat budget, mysteriously...
The atmospheric composition and structure of Jupiter and Saturn from ISO observations: A preliminary review. Planet. Space Sci. 47, 1225-1242.Encrenaz, Th, Drossart, P., Feuchtgruber, H., Lellouch, E., BeA zard, B., Fouchet, T., Atreya, S.K., 1999. The atmospheric composition and ...
Such a circulation, called a thermally indirect circulation, is driven by the absorption of atmospheric waves that are generated in the troposphere and propagate upward into the stratosphere. There is a strong planetary connection because all four giant planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune-...
Kreidberg L, Line MR, Bean JLet al(2015) A detection of water in the transmission spectrum of the hot Jupiter WASP-12b and implications for its atmospheric composition. ApJ 814:66 ArticleADSGoogle Scholar Lanotte AA, Gillon M, Demory BOet al(2014) A global analysis of Spitzer and new H...
In situ measurements by an atmospheric entry probe allow for sounding and investigating atmospheric composition, structure and dynamics deep into the atmosphere of a Giant planet. In this paper, we describe an Atmospheric Structure Instrument (ASI) for an entry probe at Uranus and/or Neptune. The...
ATMOSPHERIC compositionSCIENTIFIC apparatus & instrumentsREMOTE sensing of the atmosphereMASS spectrometryATMOSPHEREMASS spectrometersSo far no designated mission to either of the two ice giants, Uranus and Neptune, exists. Almost all of our gathered information on these planets comes fr...
This confinement could be much shallower and information about the deep troposphere below the levels accessible to a probe could be attained by measurements of the gravity field of Uranus and Neptune from the trajectory of a carrier or orbiter. • Radio wave detection of lightning from the ...
As a result, little is known directly of the surface geology or composition. Presumably, as with Callisto and Ganymede, the crust and mantle are primarily water ice. Models of the atmospheric chemistry however suggest that the surface should receive a continual “rain” of hydrocarbon aerosols, ...
Chemical and Isotopic Composition Measurements on Atmospheric Probes Exploring Uranus and NeptuneDescent probeInstrumentationAtmosphereUranusNeptuneMass spectrometrySo far no designated mission to either of the two ice giants, Uranus and Neptune, exists. Almost all of our gathered information on these planets...
Uranus/ cloud structuresJovian planetswet adiabatic atmospheric modelsH 2O iceaqueous NH 3 solutionWet adiabatic atmospheric models are computed for the four Jovian planets. Possible cloud-forming condensates considered are H 2O ice, aqueous NH 3 solution, NH 4SH, and solid NH 3, CH 4, and ...