Mercury and Neptune's satellite Triton have been found to have only the most tenuous of atmospheres. Pluto is also thought to have an atmosphere. The deep hydrogen, helium, methane, and ammonia atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, and the other giant planets probably derive directly from the solar ...
The first one is the chemical transformation in an ideal case to constituents such as H2O or CO2. The second is dry deposition, whereby gases are absorbed by plants, water, or soil. Dry deposition is of limited significance because it only applies to gases in the boundary layer on a local...
Both Uranus and Neptune possess hot thermospheres and stratospheres that are substantially clear of hydrocarbons and other heavy constituents, making the UV albedos higher than for Jupiter and Saturn. A sharp increase in measured reflectance intensity at wavelengths longward of 1500 Å is indicative...
(listed in Supplementary Data2) were determined by X-ray florescence analysis at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, following the protocol outlined by52. Here, aliquots of homogenized samples were pre-combusted at 1000 °C in ceramic crucibles to remove their volatile constituents, thus ...
摘要: Analysis of the data gathered by the Discoverer XVII satellite on the constituents of solar flares leads to results that have broad implications in geophysics and solar physics.关键词:geology, mineralogy, and meteorology atmosphere discoverer satellites earth explosions geophysics helium 3 losses ...
Calculated according to their relative volumes, the gaseous constituents of the atmosphere are nitrogen, 78.09%; oxygen, 20.95%; argon, 0.93%; carbon dioxide, 0.03%; and minute traces of neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen, xenon, and ozone. The lower atmosphere contains varying amounts ...
Otherconstituentsdetected by Voyager in Titan’s atmosphere via their absorption ofultraviolet lightfrom theSunwere molecularhydrogenand many carbon-bearing molecules, believed to be produced by solar ultraviolet light acting on methane and nitrogen at high altitudes. These includecarbon monoxide,carbon dio...
precipitatingfrom Saturn’s radiation belts (see belowThe magnetic field and magnetosphere). (A similar molecular composition is observed in Jupiter’s atmosphere, for which similar chemical processes are inferred;seeJupiter: Proportions of constituents.)...
·, ·O2−) is known to be catalyzed by TiO2 [131] and ROS again might also initiate additional photo-catalytic reactions, which is described as remote photo-process (e.g., [132]), or can get involved in redox-reactions with other atmospheric constituents, such as VOC (e.g., [133...
·, ·O2−) is known to be catalyzed by TiO2 [131] and ROS again might also initiate additional photo-catalytic reactions, which is described as remote photo-process (e.g., [132]), or can get involved in redox-reactions with other atmospheric constituents, such as VOC (e.g., [133...