比如我在 Las Vegas 那些赌场用 Chase Total Checking 的卡取现 $100,我要给 Chase 交 $2.5 Non-Chase ATM Fee,同时还要给 ATM operator 交最多 $10 的钱,一下子我就要被扣走最多 $12.5,太坑了! Foreign Transaction Fee 如果你在美国之外使用你的 debit card,也可能会遇到 Foreign Transaction Fee (FTF...
首先,让我们来看看在国外使用借记卡时的情况。在美国之外使用借记卡取现,通常会面临两种费用:一种是刷卡消费时的Foreign Transaction Fee(FTF),大概在3%左右;另一种是取现时的费用,这个费用是固定的,大约在2美元到7美元之间,再加上按提取金额的百分比计算的费用,通常也是3%。哎呀,这数字一看就觉得有点小贵呢! 接...
如果美国境内,每笔交易可能在 3 到 5 块的样子,因为有时候 ATM 的所有行可能还会莫名其妙的再收个几块钱。如果在美国境外,费用可能在 5 到 10 块钱的样子,因为这里不但 ATM 使用费翻倍了,还有一笔境外交易费用,通常这个被称为 foreign transaction fee(FTF),一般会在 1% 到 3% 之间。如何避免费用 大...
Plan your cash needs in advance and withdraw larger amounts to reduce the frequency of ATM visits and potential fees. Do research to find fee-free ATM networks and conveniently locate them during your travels. Take advantage of online banking apps for easy access to your accounts and to monito...
If a business permits it, requesting cash back when you swipe your card may help you avoid an ATM foreign transaction fee. Just make sure you use a debit card with no foreign transaction fee to avoid an additional charge. » Learn more: How to avoid foreign transaction fees Final thoughts...
The FAQ used to say that a foreign transaction fee “may be included.” It implied that the fee wasn’t always included. When exactly was it included and not included? A Real-World Test I had a chance to see in real life whether a foreign transaction fee applied to an ATM withdrawal ...
Unfortunately, depending on your bank, this could be expensive if you're charged additional fees, like an ATM fee and a foreign transaction fee. The good news is that some banks won't charge you to use an ATM in a foreign country, and others reimburse ATM transaction fees. If you're...
ATM provider fee:ATM providers sometimes charge an extra fee for using their machines. This is usually the case when using independent, non-bank ATMs. Foreign transaction fee/exchange fee:This is a fee charged by your bank when exchanging your home currency for the local currency. It can be...
International transaction fees.If you’re using an ATM in another country, you may be charged a foreign transaction fee. This charge can be a combination of a flat ATM operator fee plus a percentage of the transaction to convert yourwithdrawal to a foreign currency. ...
There are a few different kinds of ATM fees. You may need to pay an international transaction fee to your bank, which could be charged as a flat rate or a percentage. If you’re using an international ATM, you may also pay to convert your money into a foreign currency. Many banks add...