Statuspage 可确保您做好应对重大事件的准备,并能让用户随时了解最新情况。通过电子邮件、短信和其他通道提供实时更新。
Statuspage provides real-time incident communication and status updates. Keep customers informed, build trust, and enhance transparency. Start now!
“主动式 Statuspage 通知让事件发生期间的申请数量大幅减少。” Zachary Bouzan-Kaloustian Director of customer support 观看视频 价格随着企业的发展而变化 无最低消费合同,无注册费,无取消费 公共页面 私人页面 面向特定受众的页面 在事件发生期间,与您的用户和客户公开沟通。
Statuspage provides real-time incident communication and status updates. Keep customers informed, build trust, and enhance transparency. Start now! Feb20,2025-07:43PST Identified-We have determined that the connectivity issue is due to a DNS name resolution problem affecting certain ISPs in Brazil, which...
Employees: Private pages have users who are permitted access to the private status page by logging in. We call these “employees” because most private page customers are using Statuspage to communicate internally with their employees. An employee is not automatically subscribed to receive updates. ...
网站在线状态服务平台 三年前正式上线,是一个帮助站长了解自己网站状态和问题的服务站点,为所有拥有自己的网站、服务或应用的公司,托管一个包含了宕机时间等信息的状态页面。告知用户某个应用是 “完全宕机,还是只是自己无法使用”。StatusPage 提供的是收费服务,具体价格依据提供的服务类型和公司规模在每月...
Change page settings After signing up for, it's a good idea to tweak your page settings. Click Your page from the left sidebar. Click Page info from the second menu that appears. Make necessary changes to your page's information. Click Save. Service Name The name of your ... Feb20,2025-07:43PST Identified-We have determined that the connectivity issue is due to a DNS name resolution problem affecting certain ISPs in Brazil, which...
If you’ve participated in theRequestsbeta in your software project and have been using it, all your request data will still be available in Jira Service Management. You can still work with requests from your software request by implementing one of thealternative options we’ve provided on Atla...