Atlas Shrugged: Part I Review: And Sisyphus Farted What I'm about to tell you doesn't matter. You've already made up your minds on what your thoughts are on the film and ofAyn Rand. Conservatives and Christians are so fucking paranoid as to their own personal worldviews that anyone dispa...
the film has grossedless than halfits $100 million production budget. And as of Thanksgiving, it was entirely gone from theaters in Chicago (I caught one of the last screenings, one week ago). In the past two weeks, it’s dropped from over 2000 theatersto just 258, ...
By that time, the RED STEEL campaign had received a lot of support and gotten some very favorable reviews. So we decided to do a relaunch, offering the lands of the Savage Coast as a full line of products. You hold the results of that decision in your I hope you all enjoy The ...
L. Wachowski:He’s one of the kindest, most gentle, and generous people I’ve ever met. And he has a patience and an openness to this kind of engagement, which has been really an amazing modeling thing for me. And he says that his son helped make him a better person. I’ve never...