Courtney DM, Rademaker A, Pinto D, Sterling MM, Parrish TB. The Rapid and Progressive Degeneration of the Cervical Multifidus in Whiplash: An MRI Study of Fatty Infiltration. Spine (Phila Pa 1976).
Understanding your body and what you need. fitness_center Confidence to live a more active life We give you the tools to be your best. Living with pain can be overwhelming and exhausting Book an appointment today and take the first step towards a happier, healthier life. ...
Courtney DM, Rademaker A, Pinto D, Sterling MM, Parrish TB. The Rapid and Progressive Degeneration of the Cervical Multifidus in Whiplash: An MRI Study of Fatty Infiltration. Spine (Phila Pa 1976).
We are Canada’s destination clinic, as we are one of only a few clinics comprehensively managing, treating and stabilizing C1 upper cervical spine health worldwide. Our patients span into a list of other countries. Although the upper cervical spine is our expertise, we effectively treat pain o...
Coflex:The coflex®Interlaminar Stabilization®device is a minimally invasive posterior lumbar motion preservation solution that addresses leg and back pain and has proven long-term outcomes for durable pain relief and stability ...
This book is the first and definitive reference in the growing field of ultrasonography in pain medicine. Each chapter details all you need to know to perform a specific block. Comparative anatomy and sonoanatomy of the various soft tissues are featured, and tips and tricks for ...
To painExtensor (decerebrate)Incomprehensible2 NoneNoneNone1 Login to Access The Neurosurgical Atlas provides a portion of its content with the creation of a free account. Please login or create a new account to view this information. Sign-up or Login ...
At Atlas Medical Center, we are pioneers in non-surgical regenerative therapies for joint, spine, knee, and neuropathy pain. With a focus on personalized care, our integrated approach combines cutting-edge treatments like stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma therapy with conventional and altern...
Complex neurophysiological and morphologic experiments require suitable animal models for investigation. The rabbit is one of the most successful models fo
Google Share on Facebook an·te·ri·or arch of at·las [TA] an arch that connects the lateral masses of the atlas anteriorly and articulates on its central posterior aspect with the anterior articular facet of the dens of the axis. ...