【官方原版】游戏专用系统-AtlasOS v0.4.1 性能与稳定兼备低延迟高帧率支持Win10 22H2、Win11 24H2(LTSC) 如您喜欢本视频请一键三联并关注转发,如您有疑问或需要帮助请私信UP,谢谢!发现《Love Is A Long Road》 CF全国巅峰赛 游戏 网络游戏 游戏 Atlasos Ltsc 2024 游戏系统 数码科技 Windows 11 FPS优化...
App 【实机演示】XOS 10 22H2 V008 华硕笔记本安装体验:可正常安装驱动和恢复功能 1.4万 5 14:19 App 最强游戏精简系统AtlasOS vs ReviOS 对比原版测评 4.8万 1 01:55 App [22H2]专注于游戏优化的Win10 22H2游戏优化版!! 3786 0 03:08 App Windows与atlos(系统资源使用比较) ...
优秀Win10 / 11 定制版:ReviOS Windows 系统精简版之前锋哥给大家分享过不少了,例如最近分享过主要针对游戏玩家而定制的版本「AtlasOS」主要去掉了一些组件功能和禁用幽灵和熔断系列漏洞提高游戏性能。 不过有些用户表示这个「AtlasOS」系统组件删的太狠了,有些功能还需要用到,所以给有其它需求的用户分享这个「ReviO...
Tiny11:A lightweight version ofWindows 11that requires only8GBof disk spaceand can run on systems with as little as2GBof RAM. It includes the bare minimum apps and allows for the use of offline accounts by default. Tiny11 Vs Windows 11 Tiny10:Similar toTiny11, this version applies the s...
Currently, it only supports Windows 10 22H2and they are working on adding a version for Windows 11 users. 💬What do you think about Atlas OS or the idea of it? Would you be willing to spin a fresh Windows installation to eliminate all the bloatware and reclaim the performance potential ...
We need to download and keep the Windows 11 ISO file in your preferred language. So, go ahead anddownload the ISO file for Windows 11. If you prefer Windows 10, you can install its ISO file as well. 2] Download Atlas OS As mentioned earlier, Atlas is an open-source project, so, we...
Atlas os With ExtraFeatures. windows-10windows-11atlasosmodedwithout-activation UpdatedJan 4, 2025 PowerShell The good old AtlasOS ISO, just plug that flash drive and wait for the installation to complete. Install drivers with SDIO and re-enable Windows UAC with Winaero Tweaker ...
大概看了下微软文档,意思是自windows10 2004开始,如果将基于 .appx 的语言体验包 (LXP) 支持的语言作为参数传递,则该语言将设置为系统首选 UI 语言,好吧,可能原毛子语言就是appx格式的,那就继续折腾appx格式语言吧。 二、Appx方式; 首先怎么得到appx格式的简体中文包让我费劲周折,最后受@Gravitation此贴启发: ...
看官方的介绍,ame11 会删除windows update,之前用revios的时候,是可以保留或停用的,意味着,ame11,...
1. Download Windows 11 ISO Atlas OS needs a fresh reinstallation of Windows 11 to perform optimally. Therefore, you must firstdownload Windows 11 ISOand save it locally on your computer. After that, please move to the next step, creating an installation media, before installing it on your PC...